Clinton’s New House Renovated Without Permits

Clinton's New House - clintons-renovating-new-ny-house-without-permits

Guess what? Bill and Hillary Clinton ordered renovation work on a new house next to their Chappaqua, N.Y home without acquiring the proper permits. What are the odds that this house was paid for by the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?

Laws are for the little people.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton have been renovating a house they bought next to their Chappaqua residence without several required local permits, according to building department records.

An in-ground swimming pool at 33 Old House Lane — the 3,631-square-foot, ranch-style house the Clintons bought for $1.16 million in August — had been back-filled and covered with gravel, according to an October report from town Building Inspector William Maskiell.

Maskiell, who said he visited the home Oct. 5, after the department received a complaint about excavation done there, said as he headed to the basement to talk to the contractor, he noticed the kitchen, floors and walls appeared to have been recently renovated and new electrical fixtures were being installed in the ceiling. The person who complained was not identified.

Maskiell said he told the contractor that permits were required.

“During conversation I was told that the owners wanted to have all work done and finished by Thanksgiving and were quite adamant about it and what had started as a paint job turned into this,” Maskiell’s Oct. 17 inspection report said.

A Clinton spokesperson did not return requests for comment.

Maskiell said in an interview that sometimes homeowners come in to file for a permit, but the majority of the time it is either an architect or contractor.

“The homeowners have to sign the applications because it’s their property,” Maskiell said. “If you own the house, you’re responsible on everything that goes on with that house.”

The major outstanding permits at 33 Old House Lane are for the filling-in of the pool and the home renovation, he said.

Maskiell said while it’s conceivable the previous owner of 33 Old House Lane could have made some changes there, “the work I saw, at least 90 percent or 95 percent that I saw I can honestly say (was) being done now.”

Permit issues that continue to go unaddressed can lead to fines against a homeowner and/or a contractor, he said.

The Journal News/lohud obtained the building department records through a state Freedom of Information Law request.

Among the documents needed at the 33 Old House Lane property are a demolition permit for the pool, a permit for the house renovations, and certification that the material used to fill the pool is not from a contaminated source. There have been reports that 33 Old House Lane would be a getaway home for the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, and her family.

At 15 Old House Lane, a home at the end of a cul-de-sac where the Clintons have lived on and off since buying it for $1.7 million in 1999, Maskiell wrote that “during a standard records search and follow-up conversations” there were some outstanding permits there as well. That includes an electrical inspection at a library/gym, and a sprinkler sign-off by an engineer and the town water department, according to the building inspector’s October reports.

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New Wikileaks Release: Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’

A 2011 memo made public by Wikileaks revealed details of how Bill Clinton made tens of millions of dollars for himself and Hillary through an opaque, ethically messy amalgam of philanthropic, business and personal activities.

God bless Wikileaks. They’re doing the job the State-Run media won’t do.

When top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the Clinton family and its charity.

In doing so, Band also detailed a circle of enrichment in which he raised money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier corporations such as Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola that were clients of his firm, Teneo, while pressing many of those same donors to provide personal income to the former president.

The system has drawn scrutiny from Republicans, who say it allowed corporations and other wealthy supporters to pay for entree to a popular former president and a onetime secretary of state who is now the Democratic presidential nominee.

Band wrote the memo in 2011 to foundation lawyers conducting a review of the organization amid a brewing feud with the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea Clinton, who was taking a stronger role in leading the foundation and had expressed concerns about Teneo’s operations.

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Huma Admits $12 Million Pay To Play With Morocco!

Another Wikileaks BOMBSHELL: Hillary’s assistant Huma Abedin admits to a $12 million pay to play meeting with Morocco!

Does anybody know the definition of “bribe” anymore?

Huma Pay Play

Former US president Bill Clinton, who is on a private visit to Morocco, was received on Sunday in the Rabat royal palace by HM King Mohammed VI.

ABC News reported in may 6, 2015 that ex-president Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative were being hosted at a five-star luxury hotel in Morocco by one of the world’s most controversial mining companies, criticized for “serious human rights violations” by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice.

The Moroccan government-owned mining company OCP operates in disputed international territory in a remote part of the Saharan Desert and the firm has been criticized for removing the resources without adequately compensating the impoverished people who live there.“

Any time the human rights of a population are systematically suppressed in this type of way it’s a serious concern, and I think it’s worthy of attention,” said David McKean, who has studied the issue for the RFK center.

OCP mining paid $1 million to help host the event and throw a private cocktail reception, to the dismay of human rights activists.


Corroboration from the guys at Free Republic:


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