The tool ‘Spottsroide’ uses a development feature of the Broadcom modem- called monitor mode– that is present in (in this document, the Galaxy S2) many smartphones and other mobile devices that can be used to snoop and conduct blanket data collection of all WiFi traffic around the device. This data can be analysed later through a variety of different techniques.
Monitor mode (if supported) is normally disabled in firmware, this document confirms that and states “The source was never released, so this is the “reverse engineered” source”- meaning Broadcom didn’t help directly.
This does highlight the issues with fully closed-source backdoors and vulnerabilities, where they can be reverse engineered and exploited regardless of any perceived security.
The interesting thing is that the “survey app” responsible for data collection is initially launched through another app called Apollo, a “music player app”
It is possible there is nothing odd about the Apollo app- or Joseph Cohen’s version specifically- and there is simply some form of exploit or perhaps the app has plugins, extensions, or something that’s being leveraged here to start the data collection. But there’s no doubt this is all very odd.
This is a very interesting, highly covert way to conduct network analysis after the fact.
Here is the video that everyone is talking about: Mark Levin lays out the devastating case about the Obama administration wiretapping Trump Tower before the Presidential election.
Pass it on!
Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” while discussing President Donald Trump’s tweets accusing the former Obama administration of wiretapping Trump Tower before the election, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin broke down the wiretapping reporting.
Levin said, “Well, a pleasure to be here. The evidence is overwhelming. This is not about President Trump’s tweeting. This is about the Obama administration spying, and the question is not whether it spied. We know they went to the FISA court twice. The question is who they did spy on and the extent of the spying that is the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, Trump surrogates.”
Levin then read several news articles about the surveillance.
President Trump accuses Obama of overseeing ‘Nixon/Watergate’ style intervention
Donald Trump has accused Barack Obama of “wire tapping” his offices in New York City before the presidential election in November last year.
Launching a series of tweets at 5.35am eastern time on Saturday morning, the US president said: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
He followed up that initial tweet with a string of others in the following 30 minutes that claimed Obama had defied a court rejection to tap his office, and invited a “good lawyer” to make a case against the alleged process.
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
The president then compared the alleged surveillance of his communications to Watergate – the scandal in the early 1970s that brought down Republican president Richard Nixon after he ordered a break-in of the Democrats’ Washington headquarters.
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
It now appears that Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and the NSA were all a much greater threat to this past election than the Russians.
What this “scandal-free” Obama administration did before leaving… to try to set in place within our federal government, an apparatus to take down the incoming President & his administration, has the potential to be one of the greatest scandals in American History. This is NOT hyperbole. ~ Mark Levin
Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, was awarded a $600 million federal contract by the Obama CIA to publish disinformation about Donald Trump.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was tasked with undermining President Trump via ‘leaked’ CIA documents given to him when he first took over at The Washington Post.
When writing the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, one area of speech the Founders were specifically interested in protecting was that of a free press. They saw the press as a sort of fourth branch of government, one that would keep the “checks and balances” of the other three branches honest.
However, over time the same press that was given protection has eroded into a propaganda machine driven by money and political agendas of those who own the media outlets. They have crawled into bed with the very entities they are to keep in “check” and bust out if corrupted.
As such is the Mainstream Media today and one the American people no longer trust, and rightfully so given what is being exposed in recent years.
The majority of people do not know Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post and is now the sole owner with no editorial board or ethical review committees to oversee the actions of Bezos as a publisher, much less the courage to stand against the new “boss.”
It begs to question: How is Bezos connected to questionable intelligence leaks in recent months?
What does he have to do with the sudden disruption of web services that kept millions from accessing whistleblowing website, WikiLeaks, during its explosive releases of state department cables?
Cables containing inside information revealing corruption within American politics linked to former secretary of state, and presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.
The majority of Americans do not know ‘leaked” CIA documents to undermine a new president and administration were leaked through the Washington Post first and after Bezos took the helm of “America’s newspaper.”
Much worse and even more suspicious is the majority of the people have not been informed that Bezos landed a $600 million federal contract and by who? The CIA.
The “deal” is for a computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It also just happens AWS services all 17 agencies within the US intelligence community.
An unholy alliance in which Bezos stands to gain many more millions by pacifying and working with the CIA through his publication The Washington Post. “Leaks” and “information” Bezos will publish without question, without proper verification and journalistic sourcing.
The CIA will now have its own propaganda publication to do whatever it likes in misinforming and manipulating the American people and the voters.
Vital information intentionally withheld from the American people, as Bezos uses the Post to forge pocket lining government contracts while promoting his own personal political agenda.
Is this lack of reporting of the Bezos/CIA partnership by the MSM the result of massive incompetency? Or a very well-organized cover-up within the MSM inner circle of four or five elitists who now own six companies that control over 90 percent of MSM outlets?
The same outlets which through diverse company divisions own every television station and newspaper in this country with the exception of very small, weekly community publications and certain Christian networks. Even many of those community weeklies have been scooped up by larger publication divisions.
Are we connecting the dots at each cross-section of intertwining strings holding together this corrupt spider web? A vast interlocking network designed to lure and trap average American citizens into its carefully woven web of manipulation and deceit.
The Washington Post is the most widely known and respected news outlet in the world, reaching more people than any other publication including the NY Times. It has always been the standard in which journalistic ethics are established and adhered to by other publications. It sets the example to be followed by the everyday journalists out there on the beat trying to do their jobs.
By utilizing the internet and social media, the Post has literally millions of subscribers and followers reading and watching online video on a daily basis. It is the media center of the nation’s capital and the eye of the DC political belt.
Control the Washington Post and you control the message; the MSM and the “agenda.”
“The Post is unquestionably the political paper of record in the United States, and how it covers governance sets the agenda for the balance of the news media,” journalism scholar Robert W. McChesney revealed to in a December investigative article.
“Citizens need to know about this conflict of interest in the columns of the Post itself,” he added.
In the same article, a statement released by the Public Institute of Advocacy quoted McChesney as saying:
“If some official enemy of the United States had a comparable situation — say the owner of the dominant newspaper in Caracas was getting $600 million in secretive contracts from the Maduro government — the Post itself would lead the howling chorus impaling that newspaper and that government for making a mockery of a free press. It is time for the Post to take a dose of its own medicine.”
If this alliance between the CIA and Bezos isn’t illegal, then it is certainly unethical and displays a huge conflict of interest while also exposing the corruption existing within the MSM. The main sources of news and information Americans sought and believed, until the rise of alternative media outlets.
Alternative sources of information the MSM bash and attempt daily to discredit as “fake news,” when “fake,” misleading and sometimes right out lies being spread across social media come out of the MSM and pseudo extremist left-wing sites erected simply to misinform and confuse the American voter.
George Soros “Media Matters” machine
Soros Funds A Lot Of These Media Sources
Many Facebook pages and websites that have “popped” up over the past several years whose resources and money are being funded by George Soros’s well oiled “Media Matters” machine. Just one of many “nonprofit” organizations extending from his Open Society Foundation.
Soros also has imbedded ties to many MSM outlets including The New York Times, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC and here it is again, the Washington Post. Readers are urgently encouraged to research Soros, his history and his worldwide organizations.
Altnet also writes, “Amazon’s offer wasn’t the low bid, but it won the CIA contract anyway by offering advanced high-tech ‘cloud’ infrastructure.”
So how is at a time government should be pinching pennies due to the increasing national debt, the CIA passed over lower bidders for the contracted services?
The answer tracks back to the infamous blocking of the WikiLeaks website by Bezos’s company Amazon Web Services (AWS), a service Bezos personally and publicly brags is the most advanced and best high-tech “cloud” infrastructure on the market.
“WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s webhosting service AWS. So, at the height of public interest in what WikiLeaks was publishing, readers were unable to access the WikiLeaks website,” reported watchdog group Fair in 2013.
So why did AWS give WikiLeaks the boot? Most likely at the bequest of the CIA, whom Bezos has been doing business with since 2013 when the $600 million contract was awarded to AWS. Bezos also has close ties to the Clintons and backed Hillary in her failed run for the presidency, both in the 2008 primary campaign and in 2016 as the Democrat nominee.
Bezos also publicly voices open contempt for President Trump, and his policies. He recently was behind the Washington challenge to Trump’s 90-day immigration ban and threatened suit himself in an email to his employees, as was reported on this site.
Bezos, without any reference to stock holders input or lack of agreement, said he will put the full resources at Amazon to defeat the policy and implied his mission of taking down President Trump.
The Political Assassination Of General Flynn
Bezos led the charge against General Flynn using his solely owned Washington Post.
It was Bezos’s Washington Post that first leaked documents and led the charge to discredit Trump’s national security advisor cabinet pick. General Michael Flynn was forced to resign due to the unverified information touted in the “leaks.” Flynn was cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing in those leaks. But the damage was already done.
In recent days, it has been revealed the CIA has full intention of attempting a coup to remove Trump from office, even though “The Donald” was democratically elected by American voters in a free election.
And it appears in the CIA is in conspiracy with Bezos’s plan to use the Washington Post to achieve a mutual goal: to disrupt and destroy President Trump and his administration. A goal that has no regard or concern for national security or the safety and well-being of American citizens.
Any impact on the average citizen, including possible loss of life by terrorist attacks is considered “collateral damage.”
In an exchange of tweets on Feb. 15, John Schindler, former NSA analyst and national security columnist for the Observer answered a question asking what he thought was going on at the NSA right now. Schneider responded, citing a friend in the intelligence community reference to Trump:
Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: “He will die in jail.”
Which begs a bigger question than the unethical alliance between the CIA, Bezos and his Washington Post:
Could Trump be impeached? Of is he in danger of befalling the same fate as President Kennedy? Being a previous “anti-establishment” president, Kennedy sought to disengage from the Vietnam conflict and dissolve the Federal Reserve, but was assassinated.
Actions that directly impacted the CIA and wealthy elitists.