The War On Christmas Continues: Dickens Christmas Festival Has Been Re-Named the Dickens Holiday Festival

I’m getting real tired of all this politically correct bull shit.

‘Christ’ Taken Out Of Christmas Festival

Tightening budgets have forced Mt. Pleasant to take Christ out of their Christmas.

The traditional Dickens Christmas Festival has been re-named the Dickens Holiday Festival so the city can advertise in local schools.

In order to get more bang for their buck out of a thinning advertisement budget, the organization wants to put fliers in schools. For that to happen, the word “Christmas” had to be removed.

Downtown Development Coordinator Michelle Sponseller said many people are unhappy with the change.

We changed the name this year for the schools because we wanted to advertise in the school brochures and the schools have a list of words you can’t use like Santa, Christmas and Nativity. So did a brochure for the schools and we took those words out.”

Sponseller said they made a brochure for the public with word Christmas is still in it.

Downtown Development board member Kriss Roethleisberger said, “The spirit of the event has not changed. We have the live Nativity, the lighted Christmas parade, the community Christmas sing. It was simply that on one piece of marketing material we had the use the word ‘holiday.’”

Santas Rebel Against A Ban Of The Traditional “Ho, Ho, Ho” Because It May Be Derogatory To Women

You knew this was coming and it will make it’s way to America.

Santas get the last laugh on political correctness

He is an unlikely revolutionary but this Christmas, Santa is a rebel with a claus.

He is having the last laugh on political correctness – and it’s a great big fat belly laugh.

Santas across Sydney are rebelling against attempts to ban their traditional greeting of “ho, ho, ho” in favour of “ha, ha, ha”.

Recruitment firm Westaff – which supplies hundreds of Santas across the country – has told its trainees that the “ho ho ho” phrase could frighten children and could even be derogatory to women.

Two Santa hopefuls reportedly quit the course because of the hullabaloo of the ho, ho, ho.

One would-be Santa has told The Daily Telegraph he was taught not to use “ho, ho, ho” because it was too close to the American slang for prostitute. He also quit.

“Gimme a break,” Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called Kids Free 2B Kids, said.

“We are talking about little kids who do not understand that “ho, ho, ho” has any other connotation and nor should they.

“Leave Santa alone.”

Australian Childhood Foundation chief executive officer Dr Joe Tucci said it was the latest example of political correctness gone mad.

“There is no stronger tradition for children than Santa’s ho, ho, ho,” Dr Tucci said.

Yesterday department stores David Jones and Myers and the Westfield shopping centre chain moved to reassure children, and their parents, that Santa and his customary greeting was part of Christmas’s present as well as Christmas’s past.

A David Jones spokeswoman said they had discussed the situation with Westaff and their Santas would not besilenced.

“Senior management have assured us that Santas provided to David Jones have not been censored in any way,” the spokeswoman said.

At Myer, where Westaff also train the fat men in red suit, Santa could not stop laughing about the suggestion.

“Myer has not directed our Santas to refrain from using ‘ho, ho, ho’ and believe the expression is an important Christmas tradition,” a spokesman for Myer said.

Westfield’s Santas are recruited and trained by RegProm Marketing and they will be “ho, ho, ho-ing” a Westfield spokeswoman said.

“Westfield Santas are known for their friendly and welcoming nature and know how to deliver a real festive ‘ho, ho, ho’.”

Sydney mother Maybel Lopez said she wanted her daughter Andria, 5, to grow up hearing Santa’s “ho, ho, ho” just like she had and she did not realise it had other connotations.

“It’s what Santa has been saying his whole life – my whole life. It is just a normal thing really for him to say ‘ho, ho, ho’,” Ms Lopez said.

Westaff’s national Santa co-ordinator Sari Hegarty wrote to stores explaining the company’s position.

“Westaff has been a provider of quality caring Santas for over 40 years,” Ms Hegarty wrote in an email.

“Part of our advice to our Santas is that they should be mindful of children having their first Santa experience.

“We ask our Santas to try techniques such as lowering their tone of voice and using ‘ha, ha, ha’ to encourage the children to come forward and meet Santa. We wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.”

Westaff national operations manager Greg Jansz said it was “misleading” to say the company had banned Santa’s traditional greeting and it was being left up to the discretion of Santa himself.

Committee Proposal Says Red And Green Christmas Lights Too Religious

Yes, Liberal lunacy rears it’s ugly head again. This time in Colorado. Next they will be demanding that Santa Claus change his outfit from red to white. Oh wait… they can’t do that, that would alienate black people.

Red, green lights to be banned?

A special task force in a Colorado city has recommended banning red and green lights at the Christmas holiday because they fall among the items that are too religious for the city to sponsor.

“Some symbols, even though the Supreme Court has declared that in many contexts they are secular symbols, often still send a message to some members of the community that they and their traditions are not valued and not wanted. We don’t want to send that message,” Seth Anthony, a spokesman for the committee, told the Fort Collins, Colo., Coloradoan.

He said the recommended language does not specifically address Christmas trees by name, but the consensus was that they would not fall within acceptable decorations.

What will be allowed are white lights and “secular” symbols not associated “with any particular holiday” such as icicles, unadorned greenery and snowflakes, the task force said.

The group was made up of members of the city’s business and religious communities as well as representatives from some community groups. Members met for months to review the existing holiday display policy, which allowed white as well as multi-colored lights and wreaths and garlands.

In previous years, there also was a Christmas tree at the city’s Oak Street Plaza.

A vote on the proposal will be coming up before the city council on Nov. 20, officials said.

“As far as I’m concerned, the group ended up in a very fair place in which primarily secular symbols will be used on city property,” task force member Saul Hopper told the newspaper.

The existing holiday display rules were adopted in 2006 after a rabbi requested that the city display a menorah.

The only apparent exception to the completely secular rule would be at the Fort Collins Museum, where a “multicultural display” of symbols and objects would be collected to represent Diwali, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas among others.

“I expect criticism from people who feel like we are taking Christmas away. And I expect we will get criticism from people who think educational display endorses religions,” Anthony said. “(But) to the extent we can, recognizing that offending no one will be impossible, we want to be inclusive.”

City officials touted their own efforts.

“I am really delighted to see us taking this step,” Mayor Doug Hutchinson said when the task force was being assembled. “I think Fort Collins is a great city, and I think great cities are inclusionary.”

In a forum for the Coloradoan, outrage was pretty evident.

“Let’s spend our CHRISTMAS money somewhere that believes in CHRISTMAS!” wrote barbie333. “Where does the ‘PC-ization’ stop? Maybe if the town leaders realize that we do not live in Boulder (or California)!?”

Added “Stick,” “No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, he is dead from lack of political correctness and the elves have all been sent to China to make toys.”

“Seth Anthony says, ‘Some symbols, even though the Supreme Court has declared that in many contexts they are secular symbols, often still send a message to some members of the community that they and their traditions are not valued and not wanted. We don’t want to send that message.’ Guess what, Seth? That’s EXACTLY the message you sent me!” added “notpc.”

“If the city council decided to not acknowledge Christmas on public grounds this year then all city offices should be open for business on Dec. 25th, white lights shining! Don’t want to offend anyone by stopping city business for a day to celebrate a holiday not everyone believes in,” added Amidon.

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