The Card Ninja

Javier Jarquin, know as ‘The Card Ninja’, demonstrates his masterful card throwing talent.


The Card Ninja

Pepsi Max brings you the Unbelievable

We seek out the unique and the different. The ones who aren’t afraid to test boundaries and push them to the limits. We’re pairing up people with amazing skills with ingenious directors to create something original and unbelievable.

Introducing Javier Jarquin, the Card Ninja. More than just a sleight of hand, the tricks Jav is throwing are on another level. In the latest Pepsi Max Unbelievable video, we put the Card Ninja and his cards to the test with some explosive consequences.


Random Riddle: 1-18-2014

You have no skill at magic tricks, yet you make a bet with your friend for $25. You tell him to pick a card, take a look at it, and put it back in the deck. You then shuffle the deck as many times as your friend wishes. You will then hand back your friend’s chosen card. Even though you possess no magic skill whatsoever, and you have no idea what your friend picked, you can still win this bet.

