Brain Teaser Of The Day: Pink Piggy Bank

A girl liked to collect money in a piggy bank. She bought pink colored piggy bank when she was 10 years old. She put $250 in the box on each of her birthdays. Her younger sister took $50 out of her piggy bank on her birthday. The girl died when she was 50 years old due to an incurable disease.

When the piggy bank was opened, it had just $500, and no one else had touched it.

How can that be possible?



School Bus Puzzle

The School Bus Puzzle.

You can’t answer this brain teaser, but a preschooler can!


Which way is the bus below traveling?

To the left or to the right?

School Bus Puzzle

Can’t make up your mind?

Look carefully at the picture again.

Still don’t know?

Pre-schoolers all over the United States were shown this picture and asked the same question.

90% of pre-schooler’s gave this answer.

“The bus is traveling to the left”.

When asked, “Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?”

They answered:


“Because you can’t see the door to get on the bus.”


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