1. Big country in South America. 2. A pod is my pad. 3. This came down in Germany. 4. Confection ingredient. 5. Sneaking a look-on. 6. Gorillas show dominance by beating this. 7. May be found in the company of a witch.
1-3 right. Sorry, you’re normal.
4-5 right. I’m beginning to worry about you!
6-7 right. Definitely certifiable nut expert!
1. Brazil 2. Peanut 3. Walnut (The Berlin wall) 4. Coconut 5. Pecan (Peek on) 6. Chestnut (Gorillas drum on their chest as a threat) 7. Hazelnut (Witch Hazel)
I am three words,
Two of them appear the same,
Two are pronounced the same.
One is the third person use of “capable” or “permit”.
One means to sleep, but only for a bit.
The last word means a group of deer,
Perhaps now you can tell me, what words are here?
The anagram of wolf is fowl. The homonym of fowl is foul. The antonym of foul is fair. The homonym of fair is fare. The anagram of fare is fear, which is the emotion.