Brain Teaser Of The Day: Guess The Animals

Find out what the animals are! (for example, “To run away or escape” could be a “flea”)

1. A strong body tissue
2. Government head of a town/city
3. To sound low, husky, or grating
4. Relating to a group of singers
5. Stealin’
6. A parent’s female sibling
7. A mythical curse or bond
8. A second-person pronoun
9. Thin thread-like outgrowth from the skin
10. To exist. A form of ‘am’ or ‘was.’



Brain Teaser Of The Day: Locked

Suppose you want to send in the mail a valuable object to a friend. You have a box which is big enough to hold the object. The box has a locking ring which is large enough to have a lock attached and you have several locks with keys. However, your friend does not have the key to any lock that you have. You cannot send the key in an unlocked box since it may be stolen or copied. How do you send the valuable object, locked, to your friend so it may be opened by your friend?



Brain Teaser Of The Day: Analogy Anagrams

Some anagrams are almost too good to be true. The letters in the capitalised words or phrases can be rearranged in delightful ways to fill the gaps!

e.g. Is my lovely _____ really a WOMAN HITLER?
Answer: mother-in-law

1. The _____ Church can be BEST IN PRAYER.

2. The school bully gave his victim NINE THUMPS as a _____.

3. Someone with BAD CREDIT can still manage to pay with a _____.

4. If you missed it last time, keep waiting, for _____ SHALL YET COME!

5. Perhaps because _____ could be a NICE SILKY WOMAN, a president fell for her!



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