Paying Taxes

When I have no representation in Washington, DC or my State.

When the government spends my money on things I don’t want or approve of.

When the government uses my money to pay media to spread propaganda.

Why pay taxes?


When I have no representation in Washington, DC or my State.

When the government spends my money on things I don’t want or approve of.

When the government uses my money to pay media to spread propaganda.

Why pay taxes?

The Religion Of The Left

When you think back two years ago, we were energy self-sufficient. We didn’t have to buy our oil or gas from hostile nations. Now things have gone just in the opposite direction.

They’re purposely killing us. They’re killing the working man. Because of the false belief of “Man Made Climate Change”… the religion of the Left.


When you think back two years ago, we were energy self-sufficient. We didn’t have to buy our oil or gas from hostile nations. Now things have gone just in the opposite direction.

They’re purposely killing us. They’re killing the working man. Because of the false belief of “Man Made Climate Change”… the religion of the Left.

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