A Tool Of A Murderous Regime

Throughout history, many good people were manipulated into committing atrocities just because they were told to. Here are some signs that you’re the kind of person who can easily become a tool of a murderous regime:

Throughout history, many good people were manipulated into committing atrocities just because they were told to.

Here are some signs that you’re the kind of person who can easily become a tool of a murderous regime:

– You backed lockdowns and vax mandates because the regime told you to
– You back mutilating children because the regime tells you to
– You back censorship of free speech because the regime tells you to
– You back disarming law abiding citizens because the regime tells you to

Unexplained Death

It's not an "unexplained death" if the person took multiple EXPERIMENTAL shots in the year before they died.

It’s not an “unexplained death” if the person took multiple EXPERIMENTAL shots in the year before they died.

The Biggest Threat To Our Nation

Biden says the biggest threat to our nation is White Supremacy. Wrong! The biggest threat to our nation is having an installed puppet President who is being controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, with the Mainstream Media covering it up.

Biden says the biggest threat to our nation is White Supremacy. Wrong! The biggest threat to our nation is having an installed puppet President who is being controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, with the Mainstream Media covering it up.

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