Man Stacks 3,118 Coins On A Dime

If there was an award for the world’s most patient man, he would definitely win it.

Instead, Tai Star has settled for the record holder of the most coins stacked on a single dime.

Star, from Tucson, Arizona, spent seven hours building a tower of 3,118 coins on a dime.

The impressive structure consisted of 600 quarters, 501 dimes, 313 nickels, 1699 pennies and five foreign coins.

He starts with the single dime and places it near the edge of a table.

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Game – Bite the Bag

Looking for a new drinking game? Well look no further!

The Rules

  1. Got to pick up the bag with your mouth standing on 1 foot.
  2. You can use whatever foot you would like and you can change up the foot you stand on.
  3. Each bag height you have 3 tries to pick up the bag while being on 1 foot, if you do not get it in 3 tries you are out of the game.
  4. Every time you have people advancing you roll the bag down so it gets lower.
  5. You roll the bag down until there is a champion standing.