MINI COOPER Fitted With A Helicopter Jet ENGINE

Insane MINI COOPER Fitted With A Helicopter Jet ENGINE With 420HP & 400 ft-lb Torque!

MINI COOPER Fitted With A Helicopter Jet ENGINE

An all wheel drive Mini Cooper S with a Helicopter engine! It must be hot inside that car. :)

Would you dare to drive this thing?

Mini and Rolls Royce are subsidiaries of BMW. However, even though they are owned by the same company which is BMW, the two renowned British brands are not known to cross paths. That was until now. A company out of Texas that goes by the name of BMP Design has done the unimaginable. They have squeezed a Rolls-Royce 250-C20B Allison jet engine from a helicopter in a MINI Cooper S. This is definitely one of the most unusual car builds we have ever encountered. Imagine the feeling driving a small Mini Cooper car with a massive helicopter engine right behind your front seats. Nevertheless, the consequences of such a build are easy to assume.

This small Mini Cooper car now delivers staggering 420HP. The rear wheels are driven through a RR engine that delivers 400 ft-lb of torque power. This turns the Mini Cooper S into a 4WD demon! However, driving this little car is no easy task. The driver needs to possess the knowledge to balance the standard controls with the special levers that operate the jet engine. However, even though the title of this video insinuates that this car has 640HP, the guy demonstrating the car clearly says 420HP. Nevertheless, the acceleration and the speed of this small rocket are mind-blowing. The sound that the turbine engine is delivering is monstrous as well.



The Easiest Way To Escape A Sinking Car And Save Yourself

This is the easiest way to escape your sinking car, according to the pros.

The Easiest Way To Escape A Sinking Car And Save Yourself

Any professional who knows what to do when a car is sinking will say the same thing: get out before the car sinks. This may seem scary, but what’s more is that the window of opportunity lasts less for less than a minute, with only 30-40 seconds of optimal time to make it out using this method.

Approximately 400 people in North America alone die in sinking cars each year, and many of these people are victims during the season of flash floods. That’s why it’s so important for people to know exactly what they should do if they ever find themselves in this situation.
The basic steps are as follows: take off your seatbelt, roll down the window you are closest to, and slide your way out and into the water. This may seem easy, but even the professional divers who were employed to demonstrate the method found the task more difficult than they anticipated.

One of the divers said, “It was very intimidating. The car went down quicker than I thought it would. I had a real inflow of water that I had to work against to get out, but it can be done.”

As another diver points out, all 4 divers were able to get out in 20 seconds because they knew exactly what to do. For most, this isn’t the case, and that’s why more people need to be informed about what to do. The instructional video also covers how to handle the situation if there are children in the car.

One more important thing that drivers should know is not to waste time with calling 911 while you’re still in the car. There are just a matter of seconds between when you hit the water and when the car sinks, and it’s crucial to escape the car during this time.

Watch the video below to get the full scoop on how to properly escape your car.


Putting A Bicycle Wheel On A Car

Don’t have a spare tire for your car… take it from your bicycle.

Shows how a bicycle wheel can be built strong enough to support a car. Bill Mould partnered with Bryan Higgins, a high school senior, to build and install a bicycle wheel on a car, put the full weight of the car on the wheel, and then drive the car.


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