8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work

8 Sick Remedies That Actually WorkAsapSCIENCE breaks down the usefuless of a handful of popular remedies.


The winter time is the height of cold and flu season. So when you have the sniffles at the office you are often swarmed with strange and sometimes downright kooky advice. But not all home remedies are the same, explains AsapScience.

While many home sick remedies are nonsense, there are a few that actually, scientifically work, and can help you fight that nasty cold, cough, and flu.



Early Birds vs Night Owls

Does the early bird really get the worm? This video examines the advantages of being an early bird vs. being a night owl.

Most people usually identify themselves as either an early bird or a night owl, but it’s hard to say if one is better than the other. These are the perks to each one.

Despite what you may prefer, this video from AsapSCIENCE’s YouTube channel explains that your bird type may be predetermined. Genetics may play a part when it comes to which hours you thrive in, along with your environment. Early birds definitely have an edge because they fit better with our standard nine-to-five society, have more positive social traits, and may be less prone to depression and addiction. Night owls experience what is called “social jetlag” in the early hours of the day and that can affect their work and social lives without proper adjustments. It could easily be the other way around, however, if typical workdays and classes occurred during the evening.

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Early Birds vs Night Owls


Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers

Which is better, paper towels or hand dryers? Asap Science explains that paper towels have the upper hand for cleaning bacteria off our hands. But dryers may be better for the environment. So the choice depends on whether you are a cleanly Conservative or a dirty Hippy Liberal. I’m just saying!

There’s a lot of debate about which method of drying your hands is actually the most clean. This video explores the benefits of both and explains which one actually helps keep your hands the most clean.

Around 80% of infectious diseases are spread with our hands—so washing regularly with soap and water is very important—but does the way you dry hands matter? YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE compares paper towel drying with hand dryers to see the effects of both. It turns out that paper towels are a little more effective for two reasons: timing and friction. Using paper towels can be wasteful, though, so if you plan to use them, keep this trick in mind for maximum efficiency.



Paper Towel vs Hand Dryers


Why Do We Like Our Own Farts?

Your farts may smell like roses to you! But why do other people’s farts smell so much worse?

Also… if farts can spread disease can they spread Ebola?


It may be crude, but it’s often the case. There’s no other way to say it: most people like the smell of their own farts. But why? As gross and hilarious as it may seem, scientists have confirmed that in a blind smell test, people prefer the smell of their own gas to other people’s brew.



Why Do We Like Our Own Farts


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