Tag: Animals
A Friendly Baby Crow
This video was published by WillowFox waaay back in 2008, but it has only gone viral now. Since this Spring the video has amassed over 150,000 views.
While hanging outside, a baby crow calmly approached the hero of the story who just happened to have a camera. The baby crow literally walked up to cameraman, gave a squawk, and literally hopped onto his lap and even his hand.
A wild crow. And the crow wouldn’t go. What a trip.
Photorealistic Pencil Drawings
Photorealistic Pencil Drawings by Paul Lung
Paul Lung is a business design consultant who spends most of his free time making pencil portraits that would put a DSLR camera to shame. He uses a 0.5mm technical pencil to draw stuff that catches his fancy. Mostly it’s realistic renderings of his family and friends, even himself; but there’s simply something about wildlife that brings out the best of his abilities.