Amusing Funny How To Be Quiet Around A Bison September 3, 2013September 2, 2013 gags Wait for it! Unexpectedly encountering a Bison on a path in Yellowstone park.
Amusing Funny Cats Saying “Om Nom Nom” Compilation August 31, 2013August 30, 2013 gags Happy cats and kittens saying “Om Nom Nom” while eating. Enjoy!
Amusing Sheep vs Wolf August 10, 2013August 8, 2013 gags Sheep vs Wolf The outcome is not what you expect.
Riddles Random Riddle: 8-7-2013 August 7, 2013June 15, 2013 gags There is a cat, mouse, deer, sheep, hippo, and a giraffe all under an umbrella. Which one of them get’s wet? Show answer No one it’s not raining!