Germans Take To The Streets To Protest Leftist Policies Allowing Muslim Migrants Into Their Nation

FED UP! Germans Have Begun Taking to the Streets to Protest Leftist Policies Allowing Muslim Migrants into the Nation.

Germans are fed up just like the Italians and the rest of Europe at the rate of Muslim immigration into their nations.

Watch as Germans take to the streets to protest the Muslim migrants Angela Merkel and her leftists government continue to bring into Germany.


Merkel Wanted Refugees As Truck Drivers

Merkel Wanted Refugees As Truck Drivers

Um… I am pretty sure we are now in the twilight zone.

Back in September of this year, Angela Merkel wanted to bring refugees into work faster so she suggested rewriting their Syria drivers licenses into German.

Original news story translated:

In an interview, the Federal Chancellor revealed her integration plans for refugees. They are to be used, among other things, as motorists.

According to Angela Merkel, the rapid integration of refugees can only be achieved if they do a job as quickly as possible during an interview with the rbb Inforadio. Special regulations are to be developed for implementation. The CDU chairman said: “Many are still waiting for integration courses. To this extent, I believe that we must have a longer breath, but at the same time be prepared to develop practical solutions. ”

According to the plans of the federal government, the economy is to be more active, so that refugees are employed more quickly. To this end, the chancellor met on Wednesday with representatives of large companies, which are part of the initiative “We”, among others Tui, Daimler and Bosch. Angela Merkel looks for Refugees job opportunities in the transport sector:

“We have recently discussed in the Cabinet that the rewriting of a Syrian license in a German 500 Euro costs. And of course, a refugee does not immediately 500 euros. So maybe a loan program helps. If you deserve it, you can repay this 500 euros, you are always looking for drivers. “


On Monday, one of Merkel’s Trojan Horse Jihadis slammed a truck into a crowd and killed 12 Christmas shoppers and injured about 50 more in a terrorist attack aimed at ending public celebrations of Christmas. Their plan is to end Christian holidays and replace them with theirs.

Germany elected someone who serves the Radical Islamist invaders, not Germans.

What’s next accelerated Airline Pilot licensing and certification?

Germany Tried To Influence The Election In Favor Of Hillary

Germany Tried To Influence The Election In Favor Of Hillary

Germany funded the Clinton Campaign and therefore acted as an external influence during the Election.

Angela Merkel has been caught funneling up to $5 million of German taxpayers money to the Clinton Foundation in an underhanded effort to try to influence the U.S. Election.

Between July and September 2016, Merkel gave millions of German taxpayers money to the Clinton Foundation, according to German newspaper Die Welt.

In the latest list of donors published on the Clinton Foundation website, the name of Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) appears among those which gave between $1 million and $5 million.

Germany Influence Election - Germany Tried To Influence The Election In Favor Of Hillary

The Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) transferred the money to the Clinton Foundation in the third quarter of 2016, at the height of Clinton’s campaign.

The German government has some explaining to do for the donation. Why would a Federal German Ministry support the election campaign of a U.S. presidential candidate? It seems German taxpayers unwittingly financed Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.


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