Cooking Frozen Steaks

Conventional wisdom holds that frozen steaks should be thawed before cooking, but what if steaks can be cooked straight from the freezer.


Perhaps you’ve been taught to take your steaks out of the freezer and let them thaw overnight in the fridge before cooking. This is wrong, according to Cook’s Illustrated Senior Editor Dan Souza. In a side-by-side experiment for America’s Test Kitchen, Souza finds that frozen meat takes a bit longer to cook than the thawed variety. But, the quality of the finished product is so much better. In the video below, Souza demonstrates how to properly freeze the meat and later prepare it straight from the freezer. It’s not the same as cooking with fresh beef, mind you, but it’s quite possiby the next best thing.


Cooking Frozen Steaks


How To Of The Day: Package Cookies for Maximum Freshness

Gifting or shipping cookies to someone else? This video from the folks at America’s Test Kitchen will make sure they stay fresh and moist!

Giving the gift of a tin of freshly baked cookies is a wonderful thing, and the last thing you want is for your recipient to open it up to find the cookies all dry and crumbled in the tin. Thankfully America’s Test Kitchen has a foolproof way to keep them moist for the long haul: Pack them with tortillas.



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