Michelle Obama Smirk – The Obama’s Disrespect the American Flag Once Again

If you ask me, it looks like she is saying “All that for a fuc*ing flag”. But I could be wrong.

These America hating Ass-Clowns have to go! I can’t wait for November 2012 to vote them out of the White House!

Video Description:

Michelle Obama says something about the flag to BO and then smirks and shakes her head.

What is it she is saying.

Some lip readers are saying she says – “all that for a flag?”

The ceremony beforehand included a choir singing and bagpipe playing before unfurling a tattered US flag.

There is a growing Internet buzz over the First Lady’s comment to her husband during the 9/11 commemoration Sunday, as the flag ceremony is taking place. Watch the video clip below, and lip readers are invited to comment on what she is saying. To my unskilled eyes, it looks as though she is saying, “All that for a flag!”

I hope I am wrong. Watch and see for yourself.
Thomas Lifson

From Five for Fighting –

I watched the 911 remembrance twice today…

You’ve got to see this!

After the NYPD bagpipers bring out and unfurl what looks like a tattered US Flag, a choir sings the Star Spangled Banner, the camera pans over to Michele and Barack and you can actually see Michelle mouth what looks like the words:

“All that for a flag”…

Hat tip iOwnTheWorld

Charlie Daniels – This Ain’t No Rag It’s A Flag

Video Description:

This video is made in tribute to a great band, The Charlie Daniels Band, and a great country. I think everyone should have pride in their country, and the symbols that represent that country. I think Terrorists and those who sponsor terrorism are simply cowards. I hope you enjoy my video tribute to the Flag of the United States of America. “United States”

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