Flag From A Father

Video Description:

1st Lt. Phillip M. Downey has a unique gift from Afghanistan for his soon-to-be-born son at home. He is sending his upcoming baby boy the Stars and Stripes, which flew 50 feet above the Task Force Leatherneck compound.

Thought For The Day

1. Piss on a Crucifix, and they’ll call you an “Artist”;

2. Piss on the American Flag, and they’ll call you a Freedom of Speech “Constitutionalist”;

3. Piss on a Police Car, and they’ll call you an Occupy Wall Street “Freedom Lovin’ 99 percenter”;

4. Piss on a Taliban piece of shit that just tried to kill you with an IED, and the Obama administration will try to prosecute and send you to prison.”

I stand with Congressman Allen West, quote, “If you haven’t been there shut your mouth.” War is Hell!! Hope the politicians hear that.

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