Honor Guard

In a new video series, “In the Pursuit of Perfection,” the 3d US Infantry Regiment highlights the intricate movements Soldiers perform on a daily basis.

#‎USArmy Soldiers, assigned to the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), demonstrate the intricate movements performed by the Army’s elite ceremonial unit in their ongoing video series “In the Pursuit of Perfection.” This week’s video: Honor Guard.

U.S. Army video by Staff Sgt. Jake Hughes



Honor Guard


Ohio Man Honors Fallen Soldiers With Snow Sculpture

Ohio Man Honors Fallen Soldiers With Annual Snow Sculpture


An Ohio man honored our fallen soldiers with his annual snow sculpture: a 14 foot bald eagle, with an American flag hung on its back. Here’s the story:

Roger L. Pugh says every year he makes some sort of snow sculpture, but this year he decided to take it to the next level and turn it into a tribute to fallen soldiers. He says he worked on it a little each night after work, and he’s happy with how it turned out: a bald eagle wrapped in the American flag, with a grave with boots and a wooden gun and helmet in front.

“It’s a tribute to our fallen soldiers, the ones that covered my back and taking care of my butt for a lot of years,” Pugh said. “If it can put a smile on somebody’s face, or make them think about our soldiers, hey, mission accomplished.”

Kinda puts your measly 5 foot snowman to shame, huh?



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