Each Day Brings Us Closer to the Death of America

Once again you have to rely on the foreign press for this kind of article.

The column here today is in the form of an ‘Open Letter’ to a writer who I will call only “Jim” though I am sure he or she will recognize who I am addressing. Jim expressed his concerns to me regarding the “leaning” of Obama to Socialistic thinking, stating, “His ‘first 100 days’ is a testimony to socialism which in my mind is worse than treason to what our great country has stood for, fought for, and paid for dearly in human lives.”

I get other letters that hold similar views and make like statements, though perhaps not all quite as eloquent. It makes me feel that somehow there are a lot more of these types of people than there are of the types that succeeded in putting this illegal office holding president in our highest and most revered place of governance.

I have to respond to Jim by saying to him and all others of a like mind, “You are on the right track with your thinking.”

The first thing we did wrong was to elect a president who has failed to prove that he legally qualifies for that office according to the requirements of the United States Constitution, the mighty document, put together by our founding fathers which calls for any applicant to be a natural born citizen of the United States. He should have been disqualified as a contender by the leadership of the Democrat Party as soon as he officially entered the race to participate in that party’s primaries.

The leadership of the party declared by any candidate should be responsible for at the very least, insuring Constitutional eligibility of a declared candidate to compete in the primary race for the office.

The Democrat Party either totally ignored their responsibility or deliberately bypassed it. In either case, they abridged their right to hold office themselves by such actions. You can’t just blame the dishonest candidate for entering his or her name while in violation of the Constitutional requirements; the overseers of the Party should share the blame for not making the ineligibility publicly known.

Obama holds office illegally, and can not be removed because of too many “bought and paid for” judges who owe their current positions in our judicial system to people going as far back as Clinton and Carter. George Bush was highly negligent in filling vacancies on the bench when he had a majority in both houses of Congress which could have reversed or at least mitigated the current discrepancy of liberal judges.

This “super elite” group has gotten more power and arrogance than should have ever been allowed to happen. As our country has struggled, these complicits have gained in strength and are probably vastly underwritten financially by the likes of communists like George Soros and the ACLU, both admitted Communist people and organizations.

These two organizations, Soros’s is called MoveOn.org, are in existence solely to bring America to its knees in deference to socialist/communist/Marxist philosophies. They will not finish until our Constitution is officially discarded and a Communist Manifesto is in its place. By that time, all signs of capitalism will have disappeared; large Capitalist manufacturing icons and financial institutions will disappear as the government takes control of our lives from cradle to grave as happens in all socialist countries.

There is not one successful socialist country in the world; United States and Great Britain were once models of successful countries, but the Muslims are succeeding in crippling and taking control of British mainland even to the point of creating “no-go” areas for non-Muslims which are increasing with time. One can only guess how much longer Britain will be able to exist as it has in the past.

Which provides the impetus for the many world-wide enclaves of envious and democracy hating people who wish to see America fall. Among the intelligent members of these dissidents it is known that they will never equal the nirvana of riches and comfort that has been the hallmark of America, it’s just that they don’t want anyone else to have it either. So if they can’t have it, no one should have it and they stop at nothing to make their point.

But the mysterious part of all this is how they have captured so many normal American Democrat minds convincing them that the elevation of all of these socialistic/communist people is good for America. There are, believe it or not, even quite a few Republicans, as high as 25 percent according to one poll, that go along with this brain-washing and nation changing that is being done to otherwise good common sense people.

In spite of all the highly evident information available every day as to the socialistic intentions of this president and his followers, they still insist that what is being done to this country will be beneficial. TO WHOM? Certainly not to us the average citizens and taxpayers who will be burdened heavily with tax bills to pay for the liberal excesses in spending; my guess is the anti-American foreign hate-mongers and even those in our midst will be the only ones benefitting from our government’s collapse.

I’m afraid that by the time they come out of their stupor and realize the dangers they’ve wished on us, it will be too late to salvage much of America.


Nukes Are OK For Iran, But Not For Us?

As usual, Liberal inconsistency reveals that their true motivation is the destruction America.

Nuclear Power: If Iran has “legitimate energy concerns” that make its nuclear plants OK, doesn’t the energy-starved U.S.? Why doesn’t Iran, with the second-largest proven oil reserves, just build some refineries?

Normally, a nation with significant oil resources that decides to develop nuclear power would and should be praised for its prudence. Nuclear power is an emission-free domestic form of energy that is good for the environment and the economy.

Except when it’s a country that builds missiles instead of refineries and pledges to wipe a neighbor off the face of the earth.

Iran says it’s developing nuclear power to generate electricity while it waits for the 12th Imam and the apocalypse to arrive. To hasten the process, however, it is using its nuclear knowledge to amass fissile material necessary to build a bomb. It’s developing missiles to deliver that bomb, presumably somewhere in the heart of downtown Tel Aviv.

Our new administration is trying to talk them out of it, and the Iranians are quite willing to drag out the conversation as long as it takes to develop their nuclear weapon and the means to deliver it.

“Although I don’t want to put artificial timetables on that process,” President Obama has said, “we do want to make sure that, by the end of this year, we’ve actually seen a serious process move forward. And I think that we can measure whether or not the Iranians are serious.”

Unfortunately, Iran by the end of the year should have enough weapons-grade material to make a bomb, if it doesn’t have enough already. One thing we can measure is the increasing number of centrifuges they have spinning. They are not designed to keep the lights on in Tehran.

It would seem to us that encouraging Iranian use of nuclear energy in any context is the last thing we should be doing. In a BBC interview broadcast on Tuesday, President Obama said:

“Without going into specifics, what I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations. On the other hand, the international community has a very real interest in preventing a nuclear arms race in the region.”

This echoes remarks made in Prague last month, when the president said his administration would “support Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy with rigorous inspections” if Iran gives up its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

But it hasn’t, and the race is already on. Iran state television interpreted these remarks as recognizing “the rights of the Iranian nation,” by which it means its right to develop nuclear power unencumbered.

That Iran is not serious about peaceful nuclear energy is shown by its refusal to build the refinery capacity needed to eliminate its dependence on imported gasoline. That money instead has gone to buying more centrifuges and expanding nuclear facilities. If Iran’s energy aspirations were legitimate, it would be building refineries and not bombs.

The irony here is that at the same time we are encouraging Iran to exploit the peaceful uses of nuclear power, we are discouraging its use here at home. We have legitimate energy aspirations as well, and one of them is reducing our dependence on imported oil from countries that do not have our interests at heart.

We let billions flow overseas and domestic oil resources from the Chukchi Sea to ANWR to Western oil shale to the Gulf of Mexico go unexploited. We have one thing in common with Iran: We’re not pushing refinery construction here either.

We prattle on about nuclear power being costly and nuclear waste being a danger without a safe place to store it even as we shut down Yucca Mountain, a perfectly safe place to store it. We place all sorts of regulatory and environmental impediments in its way.

Why is nuclear power a viable energy source for Iran but not for America?


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