A Cure for Radiation Sickness May Have Been Found?

If this is true, it could alter the balance of power in the world. The Jews keep inventing things that contribute positively to humanity. What have the Muslims invented besides Terrorism?

Medication that can protect humans against nuclear radiation has been developed by Jewish-American scientists in cooperation with a researcher and investors from Israel. The full story behind the dramatic discovery will be published in Yedioth Ahronoth’s weekend edition.

The ground-breaking medication, developed by Professor Andrei Gudkov – Chief Scientific Officer at Cleveland BioLabs – may have far-reaching implications on the balance of power in the world, as states capable of providing their citizens with protection against radiation will enjoy a significant strategic advantage vis-à-vis their rivals.

For Israel, the discovery marks a particularly dramatic development that could deeply affect the main issue on the defense establishment’s agenda: Protection against a nuclear attack by Iran or against “dirty bomb” attacks by terror groups.

Gudkov’s discovery may also have immense implications for cancer patients by enabling doctors to better protect patients against radiation. Should the new medication enable cancer patients to be treated with more powerful radiation, our ability to fight the disease could greatly improve.

Dramatic test results
The process that led up to the medical innovation dates back to 2003, when Professor Gudkov came up with the idea of using protein produced in bacteria found in the intestine to protect cells from radiation.

Gudkov recounted an experiment he held with two groups of mice.

“We exposed both groups to lethal radioactive radiation,” he said. “All the mice in the control group died within a short period of time. A few days later, when I approached the cage with the mice that received the protein, I could see that they’re ok, that they’re alive. They survived. It’s hard to describe the joy all of us felt. We realized that finally, after so many years and so many experiments and frustrations, we made a breakthrough that may save the lives of millions.”

Prof. Gudkov published the findings of the protein experiment in Science, the world’s leading scientific journal; however, the discovery of the medication was kept secret until now, while Gudkov and his associated waited for the results of two series of critical tests examining the medication’s effectiveness and safety.

The first series of tests included experiments on more than 650 monkeys. Each test featured two groups of monkeys exposed to radiation, but only one group was given the medication. The radiation dosage was equal to the highest dosage sustained by humans as result of the Chernobyl mishap.

The experiment’s results were dramatic: 70% of the monkeys that did not receive the cure died, while the ones that survived suffered from the various maladies associated with lethal nuclear radiation. However, the group that did receive the anti-radiation shot saw almost all monkeys survive, most of them without any side-effects. The tests showed that injecting the medication between 24 hours before the exposure to 72 hours following the exposure achieves similar results.

Another test on humans, who were given the drug without being exposed to radiation, showed that the medication does not have side-effects and is safe. Prof. Gudkov’s company now needs to expand the safety tests, a process expected to be completed by mid-2010 via a shortened test track approved for bio-defense drugs. Should experiments continue at the current rate, the medication is estimated to be approved for use by the FDA within a year or two.

‘Stable, safe, and easy to inject’
The company’s subcontractor in Europe is already prepared to embark on mass production. Meanwhile, emergency regulations in Israel allow the government to purchase drugs on short notice, even if they are still in the process of being approved. Notably, the medication in question is not a vaccine, but rather, a preventative drug administered via one or several shots.

The medication works by suppressing the “suicide mechanism” of cells hit by radiation, while enabling them to recover from the radiation-induced damages that prompted them to activate the suicide mechanism in the first place.

Prof. Gudkov heads a group of Jewish-American scientists and has cooperated with an Israeli researcher and Israeli investors. A large part of the revolutionary medication’s development process was funded by the US Defense and Health departments, which thus far earmarked $40 million to the project. About two weeks ago, the US Defense Department announced that in light of the successful tests, it will continue to fund the project.

The Israeli scientist involved in the research, Dr. Elena Feinstein, made Aliyah to Israel in 1985 and for many years served as a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Dr. Feinstein met Prof. Gudkov while they worked together in Moscow and was among the founders of the company, serving as its deputy director for some time.

Today, Feinstein works for an Israel company engaged in cancer research and continues to cooperate with Gudkov. Referring to the innovative medication, she says: “Both its effectiveness and safety had been proven. It is stable, safe, and easy to inject.”

Both Feinstein and Gudkov stress that the innovative drug does not provide 100% protection against radioactive damage. However, should the discovery announced by the scientists meet all the required tests and permits, it may change the 21st Century.


The One

And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America, having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as The One. He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning; but He hypnotized the people telling them :

“I am sent to save you. My lack of experience, my questionable ethics, my monstrous ego, and my association with evil doers are of no consequence. For I shall save you with Hope and Change. Go, therefore, and proclaim throughout the land that he who preceded me is evil, that he has defiled the nation, and that all he has built must be destroyed.”

And the people rejoiced. For even though they knew not what The One would do, He had promised that it was good; and they believed.

And The One said “We live in the greatest country in the world. Help me change everything about it!”

And the people said, “Hallelujah!! Change is good!”

Then He said, “We are going to tax the rich fat-cats,”—-

And the people said “Sock it to them!”

“—- And redistribute their wealth.”

And the people said, “Show us the money!”

And then He said, “Redistribution of wealth is good for everybody”

And Joe the plumber asked, “Are you kidding me? You’re going to steal my money and give it to the deadbeats??”And The One ridiculed and taunted him, and Joe’s personal records were hacked and publicized.

One lone reporter asked, “Isn’t that Marxist policy?”

And she was banished from the kingdom!

Then a citizen asked, “With no foreign relations experience and having zero military experience or knowledge, how will you deal with radical terrorists?”

And The One said, “Simple. I shall sit with them and talk with them and show them how nice we really are; and they will forget that they ever wanted to kill us all!”

And the people said, “Hallelujah!! We are safe at last, and we can beat our weapons into free cars for the people!”

Then The One said, “I shall give 95% of you lower taxes.”

And one, lone voice said, “But 40% of us don’t pay ANY taxes.”

So The One said, “Then I shall give you some of the taxes the fat-cats pay!”

And the people said, “Hallelujah!! Show us the money!”

Then The One said, “I shall tax your Capital Gains when you sell your homes!”

And the people yawned and the slumping housing market collapsed.

And He said, “I shall mandate employer-funded health care for EVERY worker and raise the minimum wage. And I shall give every person unlimited health care and medicine and transportation to the clinics.”

And the people said, “Gim’me some of that!”

Then he said, “I shall penalize employers who ship jobs overseas.”

And the people said, “Where’s my rebate check?”

Then The One said, “I shall bankrupt the coal industry and electricity rates will skyrocket!”

And the people said, “Coal is dirty, coal is evil, no more coal! But we don’t care for that part about higher electric rates.”

So The One said, “Not to worry. If your rebate isn’t enough to cover your expenses, we shall bail you out. Just sign up with ACORN and your troubles are over!”

Then He said, “Illegal immigrants feel scorned and slighted. Let’s grant them amnesty, Social Security, free education, free lunches, free medical care, bilingual signs and guaranteed housing…”

And the people said, “Hallelujah!!” And they made him King!

And so it came to pass that employers, facing spiraling costs and ever- higher taxes, raised their prices and laid off workers. Others simply gave up and went out of business and the economy sank like unto a rock dropped from a cliff. The banking industry was destroyed. Manufacturing slowed to a crawl. And more of the people were without a means of support

Then The One said, “I am the The One – The Messiah – and I’m here to save you! We shall just print more money so everyone will have enough!”

But our foreign trading partners said unto Him, “Wait a minute. Your dollar is not worth a pile of camel dung! You will have to pay more…”

And the people said, “Wait a minute. That is unfair!!”

And the world said, “Neither are these other idiotic programs you have embraced. Lo, you have become a Socialist State and a second-rate power. Now you shall play by our rules!”

And the people cried out, “Alas, alas!! What have we done?”

But yea verily, it was too late. The people set upon The One and spat upon him and stoned him, and his name was dung. And the once mighty nation was no more; and the once proud people were without sustenance or shelter or hope. And the Change The One had given them was as like unto a poison that had destroyed them and like a whirlwind that consumed all that they had built.

And the people beat their chests in despair and cried out in anguish, “Give us back our nation and our pride and our hope!!”

But it was too late, and their homeland was no more.

You may think this is a fairy tale, but it’s not. It’s happening RIGHT NOW..

Pass this on.

Finding the Way Out of the Dark on July 4th

Once again our must read of the day comes from the foreign press.

Without the resolve of the soul of its people, July 4th, 2009 could be the last meaningful Independence Day for Americans.

There can no longer be any doubt that the malcontent who sits in the Oval Office has malevolence at heart for all things America.

President Barack Hussein Obama is, in essence singing from the same choir-book as Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers, and even the evil and corrupt Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In fact, it is Obama’s voice that can be heard singing the Swan Song of America the loudest.

Today as main-street Americans muster the kind of spirit needed to celebrate July 4th, their country teeters on an engineered economic collapse. As they prepare for America’s Big Day, indignities are hurled at them, not just from a vociferous enemy across the world, but from an anti-American White House.

Even as Americans worry about losing their homes and jobs, information overload has become the bewildering status quo. The increasing asked, “What can we do?” is never answered.

Put in the vernacular of the lay person, everyone’s “talking at Americans”. Talking heads are talking at Americans from 24-hour television networks. Radio talk show hosts are talking at Americans. Internet writers are talking at Americans. Incoming emails have never been so brisk.

As everyone “talks at” Americans, their president is acting out.

Almost every day since November 4, 2008 Americans have heard about yet another Obama atrocity, each one bolder and more shameful than the one before.

Obama, or whomever this braggadocio Agent of Change really is, seems in a hurry to present a battered, and humiliated America back to the faceless masters he serves.

Opinion is coming at John Q. Public from every direction. They are as plentiful as the grains of sand in the Arabian Desert, some qualified, some sincere and heartfelt, some not, many confusing.

Let this July 4th be the time to tune out on the broken record of Obama. Replace all the talk of Obama with the resolve to bring American back from the brink, a time to replace talk with action.

Unless Obama brings to a halt his rampage over America, it is time for Americans to find the way out of the dark; time to take their country back, and time to stop being the tax base of Congress megalomaniacs.

Americans shouldn’t worry about inflated popularity polls. They shouldn’t worry about the Obamabot zombies who march as a mindless cult. Real life zombies are not frightening, for they lack passion and energy, and only follow along, lemming like, on the path of least resistance. At the end of the day, they are people made from plastic, film stars, hiding from their latest strand of gray hair, covering up skin without a tan and applying Botox to their wrinkles. The plastic people are shored up by people whose frail grip on reality is only held together by the bubblegum of a strong sense of entitlement, awaiting ships that never come in.

Americans shouldn’t worry about, but only tune out on a treasonous media. They worship at the altar of a hero whose feet are clearly clay. Media types are even more afraid than the people of of ending up on the wrong government list. They cower in offices hoping their fawning will keep them safe from harm.

Americans shouldn’t worry overly much about big talking Obama. The only place where he’s an airtight legend is in a mind plagued by delusions of grandeur. The kind of grandeur where he thinks he’s King of the World, the Michael Jackson of Politics, The Messiah. At the end of the day, Obama is only a desperado despot, and only a crass politician who made it to the top by virtue of wiping out his past.

As Americans celebrate this Independence Day, they know they are not the only people whose country is under threat, not the only people whose fight for survival is being carried out in real time.

In Iran, the fight for democracy continues, in spite of the torn and bloodied bodies that break the human heart, but not the human spirit. This is a fight for democracy that continues even where the Islamic Regime forces its way into hospital to arrest the wounded.

Americans can take heart from the people of Honduras who caught up with a president who tore up their Constitution. They gave him the bum’s rush, loaded him onto a plane in the borrowed clothes of another and sent him into exile.

Whenever there is darkness in the world, there is daylight somewhere else.

America will find the way out of the dark and into the light of a new day. And when the way out is found, it won’t come from the media, or any of the talking heads. It will come from the indomitable spirit carried for centuries in the hearts of true patriots.

The answer for the cunning but empty rhetoric of Obama is the same one used down through the ages by little people the world over. You don’t need a TelePrompTer to say it. All together now: “Throw the bum out!”


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