The Future Of 911 Calls

A parody… or a future reality?

In the mind of a liberal, racist police officers are intentionally targeting and murdering unarmed, innocent black men. Despite the fact that this is a leftist race myth, they have devised a solution to the imaginary problem. First, America must disarm police. This has been proposed by both liberal filmmaker Michael Moore and liberal MSNBC host Ed Schultz. People fear what they don’t understand. For the Left, this means guns. Second, the race of police officers must be correctly proportional to the local population. Obama claims there’s “no question” that black men are disproportionately targeted by racist police. Everything must be become correctly proportional. This is hilariously illustrated in the video by the woman who claims the suspects’ race must be identified so she can send police officers whose race is correctly proportional.

The liberal dream to “fundamentally transform America” is certainly a scary one.


The Future Of 911 Calls


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