These Are Troubling Times

These Are Troubling Times

This possible coup going on inside Washington is very scary. We are witnessing the strongest propaganda campaign ever used. With modern technology the Elites can successfully determine how the masses will react better than ever before. Most people are too busy with their jobs and everyday lives to look deeply into things. The Elites along with the Mainstream Media have now convinced half the country that Trump is evil and his supporters are racist fascists. Keeping our country safe from Illegal Immigration and infiltration from Radical Islamic terrorists is now regarded as the worst thing imaginable and Un-American. Putting Americans and America first is now Un-American. Different opinions (and facts) are not welcome.

As we have seen they have violently shut down their opposition several times and can summon hoards of protesters whenever they choose. Free speech is fading and rational conversations with friends, neighbors and family members are too. Liberals are not willing to hear the other side, many have been fully brainwashed. These are troubling times. We are dealing with very powerful people who have been doing this for decades. What is most infuriating is that these Elites care absolutely nothing for the well-being of the people, only themselves and their wealth and power yet a lot of Liberals still think one of the most evil people in the world would have been a good President for them. Washington is broken and President Trump must be the man to fix it. The truth must win.

I have faith President Trump will pull through and fix all of this and we need to help anyway we can.


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