Give a Man a Fish

Give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day. Elect a man to fish for you, and all of a sudden fishing becomes some mystical function that only a few elites in society can perform, at great expense to the rest of us.

Give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day.

Elect a man to fish for you, and all of a sudden fishing becomes some mystical function that only a few elites in society can perform, at great expense to the rest of us.

Women’s Rights

You don't really stand for women's rights if you allow men to dominate women's sports, and allow the nomination of a man for Woman of the Year.

You don’t really stand for women’s rights if you allow men to dominate women’s sports, and allow the nomination of a man for Woman of the Year.

A Marxist System

A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.

A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.

Teach Your Children


Don’t just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.

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