
Oppression isn't hearing a word that offends you. Oppression is being told you can't say certain words because you'll offend someone.

Oppression isn’t hearing a word that offends you. Oppression is being told you can’t say certain words because you’ll offend someone.

Right to Bear Arms

The Second Amendment does not grant us the Right to Bear Arms. The Second Amendment denies the government the authority to infringe on our Right to Bear Arms.

The Second Amendment does not grant us the Right to Bear Arms.

The Second Amendment denies the government the authority to infringe on our Right to Bear Arms.

The Last 3 Years

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.


America, a country so damn great that even the people that hate her won't leave.

America, a country so damn great that even the people that hate her won’t leave.

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