Random Riddle: A Whole New Word

Add together each of the defined words to get a whole new word.

Example: to shout + what you say when you feel pain = a color = yellow.

1) A light brown color + to leave = a dance.

2) A store’s announcement + a type of women’s clothing = a building’s location.

3) A vehicle + an animal pal = a floor covering.

4) The ocean + a father’s boy = part of the year.

5) Another name for dad + a yellow veggie = a white fluffy snack.

Random Riddle: A Whole New Word



Random Riddle: Late

A father was speaking to his teenage daughter: “You arrived very late, at 3 o’clock in the morning, and you kept me and your mother waiting up anxiously for you. I do not want that to ever happen again.”

“But Father,” the girl replied, “I will never be able to do that again.”

What did she mean?

Random Riddle: Late



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