Preferential Treatment

Illegal Aliens will continue to get preferential treatment over American Citizens until all you able body citizens find your testicles, unify, and start demonstrating in the streets by the thousands… hundreds of thousands…

Illegal Aliens will continue to get preferential treatment over American Citizens until all you able body citizens find your testicles, unify, and start demonstrating in the streets by the thousands… hundreds of thousands…

Before You Vote

Before you vote. Go grocery shopping, gas up your car, pay your bills, look at your 401k. Then vote.

Before you vote. Go grocery shopping, gas up your car, pay your bills, look at your 401k. Then vote.


Only a fool believes that electricity used for air conditioning harms the planet, but electricity used to charge an Electric Car does not.

Only a fool believes that electricity used for air conditioning harms the planet, but electricity used to charge an Electric Car does not.

The Mystery of Obama’s Social Security Number

Uncover the unsettling truth behind Barack Obama's Social Security Number (SSN) starting with 042. Investigate the suspicious origins, including a shocking case of identity manipulation and potential legal implications. Discover why this issue remains shrouded in secrecy and what it means for our nation's history and future.

Obama’s Social Security Number starts with 042. This may seem like a trivial detail, but it actually raises some serious questions about his identity and eligibility to be president. In this article, I will explain why this is a problem and what it means for our country and our future.

How Social Security Numbers Work

Social Security numbers are issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) based on the state where the applicant lives or requests the card be mailed to. The first three digits of the number, called the area number, indicate the geographic region of the applicant. For example, numbers starting with 001 to 003 are assigned to New Hampshire, while numbers starting with 600 to 626 are assigned to Arizona.

The SSA has a list of all the area numbers and their corresponding states on its website. You can check it yourself and see that area number 042 is assigned to Connecticut, a state in the northeastern region of the US.

Why Obama’s Number is Suspicious

Obama was born in Hawaii, a state in the Pacific Ocean, and he never lived in or had any associations with Connecticut. So how did he get a Connecticut-based Social Security number?

This is not a conspiracy theory or a hoax. This is a fact that can be verified by anyone who has access to the SSA’s database or the public records of Obama’s life. In fact, several private investigators and researchers have done so and found some disturbing anomalies.

The Case of John Paul Ludwig

One of them is Susan Daniels, a licensed private investigator from Ohio who has been investigating Obama’s Social Security number since 2009. She discovered that the number Obama is using, 042-68-4425, was issued in March 1977, when Obama was 15 years old and living in Hawaii. She also found out that the number was originally assigned to an elderly man named John Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in France and immigrated to the US in 1924. Ludwig died in Hawaii in 1981, but his death was either never reported to the SSA or deleted from the database by someone.

Daniels claims that Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who worked as a volunteer in the probate office in the Honolulu courthouse, had access to Ludwig’s estate files and stole his Social Security number for her grandson. She says that this was done to conceal Obama’s foreign birth and make him eligible for federal benefits and programs.

The Multiple Identities of Obama

Another investigator is Neil Sankey, a former British police officer who now works as a private detective in California. He compiled a list of 49 Social Security numbers and 16 different names that are associated with Obama in various databases. He says that this indicates a pattern of identity fraud and manipulation.

Sankey also found that Obama used a different Social Security number, 364-01-9662, when he registered for the selective service in 1980. This number was issued in Michigan, another state where Obama never lived. Sankey says that this shows that Obama was trying to avoid being tracked by the SSA and the IRS.

The Implications and Consequences

These findings are not only shocking but also illegal. According to federal law, it is a crime to use a false or stolen Social Security number or to use more than one number. The penalty for such offenses can range from a fine of up to $250,000 to imprisonment for up to five years or deportation for non-citizens.

So why hasn’t Obama been held accountable for these violations? Why hasn’t the media investigated this issue and exposed the truth? Why hasn’t Congress or the courts challenged Obama’s eligibility and demanded to see his original birth certificate and other documents?

The answer is simple: because they are afraid of the consequences. They are afraid of being labeled as racists, birthers, or conspiracy theorists. They are afraid of losing their jobs, their reputations, or their lives. Not only that, but they are afraid of facing the wrath of the powerful forces that are behind Obama and his agenda.

But we, the people, should not be afraid. We should not let our rights and freedoms be trampled on by a fraud and a usurper. We should demand the truth and justice. Likewise, we should expose the mystery of Obama’s Social Security number and reveal his true identity and history.

We should do it for ourselves, for our country, and for our future.

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