Letters from Peter: Trials, Tribulations, and Truth in Our Times

Explore how the spirit of ancient persecution lives on in modern lawfare, as seen through the apostolic lens of Peter’s reflections.

Beloved, as I sit to share this epistle with you, compelled by the Spirit and with a heart burdened for truth and justice, my thoughts turn to the recent tribulations endured by a figure known among you, Donald Trump. Much like in the days of old, where powers and principalities sought to ensnare and persecute the faithful through cunning, craft, and legal machinations, we see a striking parallel in your time—a method now termed “lawfare” by many. It becomes evident that this battle is not merely against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world.

In the times of the early church, as recounted in the Acts of the Apostles and in the many Letters to the faithful, we faced tribulations, persecutions, and trials from those who wielded the law as a weapon—not for justice but as a means to suppress, to silence, and to punish those whose only crime was to stand firm in their convictions and to speak truth to power. This shadow, cast long and deep across the centuries, now finds its mark upon a man, and indeed upon many who have dared to challenge the prevailing currents of their time.

The term “lawfare,” a portmanteau of “law” and “warfare,” aptly describes the strategic practice of using legal systems and institutions to achieve a competitive advantage, to delegitimize opponents, or to achieve a political agenda. This is not the righteous use of law, which is to uphold justice, to protect the innocent, and to punish the guilty. Rather, it is emblematic of a Washington Cabal—those entrenched powers and elite, who, much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, find their authority threatened by any who dare to speak against them or to propose a dismantling of the status quo that benefits them so richly.

Donald Trump, much like David facing Goliath, finds himself besieged by an array of legal challenges and investigations, each purporting to be in the pursuit of justice but, upon closer examination, reveals a more insidious aim: to persecute and to wear down through a relentless barrage of legal battles. It is not my place to render judgment upon the innocence or guilt of a man, for that is for the Lord Almighty and the courts of your land to decide. However, it is essential, dear friends, to discern the spirit in which these actions are undertaken. Are they genuinely in pursuit of truth and justice, or are they a manifestation of a deeper struggle, a spiritual warfare played out upon the stage of your nation’s politics and legal systems?

Let us therefore, as followers of the Way, be ever mindful of the admonition to “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Let us stand firm in the truth, girded with righteousness, and carrying the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Let us pray for those in authority, for those who are persecuted, and for the heart of your nation, that it may seek justice truly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

In closing, remember the words of our Lord, who said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” May His peace and His strength be with you always, in these trying times and beyond.

Your servant in Christ,


The Same Rights

There's no such thing as gay rights, trans rights, minority rights, or even woman's rights. There are only individual rights. Either we all have the same rights, or we're just groups of people fighting for special favors from the government.

There’s no such thing as gay rights, trans rights, minority rights, or even woman’s rights.

There are only individual rights.

Either we all have the same rights, or we’re just groups of people fighting for special favors from the government.


Never seek revenge. Rotten fruit will fall by itself.

Never seek revenge. Rotten fruit will fall by itself.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Valerie McDonald

Explore the dark tale of Valerie McDonald and her disappearance in 1980 San Francisco — a haunting mystery filled with suspects, a CIA connection, and lingering questions.

In the heart of San Francisco, a city known for its vibrant culture and historic landmarks, a mystery unfolded in late 1980 that would leave a lasting impact on the community. This is the story of Valerie McDonald, an aspiring actress whose sudden disappearance left a trail of questions that remain unanswered to this day.

A Promising Star Vanishes

Valerie McDonald, described as a “stunning blonde” with a beauty that could turn heads on the street, was an aspiring actress with dreams of making it big in the industry. One day, she left her North Beach apartment with a man who had promised her a role in a Dustin Hoffman movie filming locally. That was the last time anyone saw her.

The Investigation and Its Challenges

When Valerie didn’t return, her friends reached out to the San Francisco police. However, they were told they had to wait 72 hours before they could file a missing person’s report. With McDonald still missing a week later, her parents flew down from Oregon, but the police suggested that their daughter had probably taken off for Vegas.

The Suspects and Their Dark Past

As the investigation progressed, two names surfaced — John Gordon Abbott and Phillip Arthur Thompson. Abbott, who had strong ties to the 1980 crime, appeared on a series of true-crime podcasts on YouTube to talk about his life of crime. These were his first public appearances in around 30 years. In one of the episodes, he dismissively explained his and Thompson’s connection to Valerie’s disappearance.

The CIA Connection

The case took a bizarre turn when it was revealed that Abbott and Thompson had major connections to the CIA and FBI, including working on President Nixon’s re-election committee. When more dead bodies started turning up, police feared McDonald was the victim of a serial killer or a satanic cult.

The Lingering Questions

Despite the leads and the mounting evidence, Valerie’s body wasn’t found for many years, so neither Abbott nor Thompson were ever charged. Today, Thompson is serving life for another crime, but Abbott is a successful landlord with properties internationally.

The Hope for Justice

The story of Valerie McDonald serves as a stark reminder of the many unsolved cases that still haunt our society. It’s a call to action for us to never stop seeking the truth, no matter how complex or convoluted the path may be. As for Valerie’s case, the hope remains that one day, justice will be served.


The disappearance of Valerie McDonald is a chilling tale of ambition, deception, and the dark underbelly of society. It’s a story that continues to captivate and confound, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of relentless pursuit of truth and justice. As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of this case, we are left with more questions than answers, a testament to the complex and often elusive nature of truth.

Information and Opinions

A fact is information minus emotion. An opinion is information plus experience. Ignorance is an opinion lacking information. And stupidity is an opinion that ignores a fact.

A fact is information minus emotion. An opinion is information plus experience. Ignorance is an opinion lacking information. And stupidity is an opinion that ignores a fact.

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