Specific Types

The Founding Fathers weren't concerned with specific types of firearms, they were concerned with specific types of governments.

The Founding Fathers weren’t concerned with specific types of firearms, they were concerned with specific types of governments.


No, America is not running out of time. You're just running out of excuses to avoid the mess you're going to have to make to clean it up.

No, America is not running out of time.

You’re just running out of excuses to avoid the mess you’re going to have to make to clean it up.

Happy To Be Ruled

The majority of the population is not very intelligent, dislikes responsibility, and wants to be told what to do. As long as their rulers do not interfere with their material comforts and cherished beliefs, they are perfectly happy to be ruled.

The majority of the population is not very intelligent, dislikes responsibility, and wants to be told what to do. As long as their rulers do not interfere with their material comforts and cherished beliefs, they are perfectly happy to be ruled.

America First

The people wearing MAGA hats are yelling “America First”. The other side is chanting “Death to America”.

The people wearing MAGA hats are yelling “America First”.

The other side is chanting “Death to America”.

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