The Economy

If the economy was really doing great, they wouldn't have to tell people every day. We would know!

If the economy was really doing great, they wouldn’t have to tell people every day.

We would know!

Then vs. Now

In the 1940s, males faked their age to fight in WWII. In 2024, males pretend to be females to win in sports.

In the 1940s, males faked their age to fight in WWII.

In 2024, males pretend to be females to win in sports.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Or how to fix a flat tire by letting the air out of the other three.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Or how to fix a flat tire by letting the air out of the other three.

A Safe Space

You're looking for a “Safe Space”? Learn how to handle a gun and you'll make any space safe.

You’re looking for a “Safe Space”?

Learn how to handle a gun and you’ll make any space safe.

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