Finally! Now you can stop wondering. Here is the answer.
Haven’t you always wondered what those little keys at the top of your keyboard do? You’ve probably only used them to adjust your volume or screen brightness, but they actually do a lot more. Keep in mind that some of these keyboard shortcuts are different depending on the type of computer you have. You are also able to change these features, and some computers come with pre-set functions for these keys that you have to change manually. So before slamming the keyboard in frustration trying to get them to work, go into your settings and see how your computer has been set up. Pressing the fn button with the F keys will typically enable them to work.
Here’s the answer to the mystery of those F keys. You’ll be surprised by how much they can do.
Opens help menu when pressed with Windows button
Hides/displays ribbon menu in Excel and Word when hit with Control button
Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens Document Library in Microsoft Office
Allows you to edit the selected folder or file name in Windows Explorer
Opens search feature in Windows Explorer
Shift + F3 lets you change from lowercase to uppercase to all caps in Word
Opens find feature in Firefox and Chrome
Alt + F4 closes window
Places the cursor in the address bar in Explorer
Starts slideshow in PowerPoint
Refreshes Internet browser pages
Opens Find and Replace in Microsoft Office
Goes to the next page in a split screen in Microsoft Word
Ctrl + F6 lets you easily switch between Word documents
Alt + F7 does a spelling and grammar check in Microsoft Word
10 unorthodox home remedies our grandparents shared with us that actually work
Modern science has gotten us to the point of utilizing various chemicals to cure nearly everything, but back in the day, people were using home remedies to fix some common bodily issues. Surprisingly, a lot of these actually treat issues!
From spider bites to chapped lips, we’ve listed 10 DIY remedies that have actually been proven to work.
1) Use a potato for a spider bite
This one easily might be one of the weirdest things we’ve read about, but multiple sites note that this actually works! Take a slice of a potato, place it on the bite, and hold it with medical tape. You’ll need to change that every few hours until the bite subsides.
2) Vodka soak for foot odor
Vodka was used back in the day to help with foot odor. Just soak your feet into vodka and wipe them with a towel afterwards. Rubbing alcohol also apparently works great just as well!
3) Yogurt for your breath
Yogurt is apparently great for preventing bad breath. Probiotics in the yogurt fight the bacteria that causes bad breath. also notes gargling with lemon juice can also help fight bad breath.
4) Olives for motion sickness
Have a problem with motion sickness? Try some olives. Olives contain tannins, a compound that helps dry out the mouth and ease queasiness.
5) Sugar for hiccups
If you’ve got hiccups that just won’t quit, consider taking a teaspoon of sugar for relief. Supposedly, the dry granules stimulate and help resets the nerves that are making your diaphram spasm.
6) Olive Oil for chapped lips
This one makes a lot of sense, and we’re definitely going to try this one out. Just simply rub some oil onto your lips when they are chapped. It should feel instantaneously better, even if it takes a few days for it to fix itself naturally. Use olive oil
7) Black Tea for puffy eyes
Black tea also contains tannins, which deflates and tightens the bags under eyes. Put the teabag
8) Cure nausea with ginger chips
Frozen ginger chips can help with nausea. To make these chips, infuse fresh ginger in hot water, and then strain and freeze water in ice cube trays. Suck on these ice chips throughout the day to ease any issues with nausea.
9) Use a pencil to fix headaches
A lot of our headaches can stem from us subconsciously clenching our jaws through the day. To treat this headache, place a pencil in between your teeth to relax your jaw.
10) Dark chocolate to stifle coughs
If you’re trying to settle your coughing, think about snacking on dark chocolate. It contains a compound called theobromine that’s reportedly better than codeine in suppressing coughs, without the drowsiness attached!
Of course, with all of the advances in science, medicine will be massively important in our lives. However, there are little things we can do to ease everyday pains and annoyances, and all of these are tried and true methods of using noninvasive materials to help. Good luck!
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