Billionaires Explain Why A College Degree Is Useless

Billionaires know that a College Degree means almost nothing when it comes to success. Schools teach you how to be an employee, but not how to be an entrepreneur.






Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive

Being Bald May Actually Boosts Your Attractiveness… According to Science!

Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive

According to a new study, bald really is beautiful. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have released the results of a survey that found that men who have shed their hair are more attractive.

The study was composed of three major tests given to students on campus. Male and female students were asked to rate photos of men according to attractiveness, confidence, and dominance. Some of the photos also digitally removed hair from some of the pictures to show the same person with and without their locks.

According to the researchers, the bald men won out in all three categories. The study also says men who willingly ditch their hair are perceived as more appealing because they’ve gone against the traditional norms associated with hair and vitality.

“Choosing to dispense with one’s hair is arguably a form of nonverbal behavior, a form of expression which communicates information about the self otherwise difficult to observe,” researchers write.

‘‘Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man—there’s your diamond in the rough.’’ — Larry David

The findings also claim that bald men, being perceived as more dominant, will do better in business and economically overall. Based on their study, researchers at Penn also suggest that men beginning to lose their hair just let it happen.

“Instead of spending billions each year trying to reverse or cure their hair loss, the counter-intuitive prescription of this research to men experiencing male pattern baldness is to shave their heads.”



Source CBS News



Here’s How Many Insects You’re Eating Every Year

You’ve been munching on insect legs and heads for a long, long time.

Here’s How Many Insects You’re Eating Every Year

Are you brave enough to try roasted grasshoppers? It probably wouldn’t be your first meal that contains insects. Odds are, you’ve been eating bugs this whole time—and you just never knew it.

Yep, you read that correctly. According to a new study by Terro, an ant and insect control company, bugs could be in your breakfast… or lunch… or dinner. After analyzing data from the FDA and FAO, Terro found that insect fragments are found in many of the foods that you’d buy at the grocery store (and it’s even legal!)

The highlights? By Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards, frozen broccoli can have 60 insects per 100 grams (about 1/2 cup), Terro reports. Technically, the average coffee drinker could consume almost 140,000 insect fragments per year. And beetles are the most popular insects eaten globally; they make up 31 percent of bug consumption.

Sounds scary. But wait! Before you toss everything in your pantry, you’ll want to read the fine print.

While the idea of an insect head squished inside your chocolate bar might be pretty gross, it’s totally harmless. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “allows for a small amount of insect material that is guaranteed safe for human consumption to pass into our food,” Terro writes. “Otherwise, resource costs would be too unmanageable to eliminate all defects from food production.” Not to mention it’s nearly impossible to remove every single bug from food grown on farms.

Thankfully, there’s a lot of nutritional value in insects, too. Mealworms provide more protein than chicken or salmon, and crickets have almost as much iron as red beef, according to Terro’s research. So chow down—if you can stomach it!

Read Terro’s charts above for even more fascinating facts about your insect consumption. And by the way, not to gross you out, but there might be fecal matter in your coffee.


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