Teenage Brains Can’t Tell What’s Important And What Isn’t

This is why it is important that kids experience failure and consequences for their lack of action… instead of participation trophies.

People have to learn how to apply themselves in order to be successful.

From New Scientist:

Teenagers may know full well how important final exams are – but that won’t stop some putting in minimal effort. This may be because their brains aren’t developed enough to properly assess how high the stakes are, and adapt their behaviour accordingly.

Adults are generally pretty good at being able to tell when a situation is worthy of extra time or concentration. Research has found that, when potential rewards or losses are higher, for example, adults will perform better on tasks. But this doesn’t seem to be the case for adolescents.

Catherine Insel, at Harvard University, and her team asked adolescents between the ages of 13 and 20 to play a game while lying in an fMRI brain scanner. In some rounds of the game, participants could earn 20 cents for a correct response, while an incorrect one would cost them 10 cents. But in rounds with higher stakes, correct responses were worth a dollar, and wrong answers lost the participants 50 cents.

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How Do Chips Make Credit Cards More Secure?

If you live in the United States, you might have recently gotten a credit card with a microchip on it. But what does this chip do that makes it any different than the magnetic strip on the back of the card?


via SciShow

History’s Most Significant Journeys

All throughout history, there have been adventurers and pioneers breaking into new territories, exploring new lands and breaking new records. History books are littered with ground breaking journeys that changed the shape of the world, from Columbus’ voyage to The New World in 1492, to the first men on the moon in 1969. This infographic looks back at some of the most historic journeys and the effects they have had on the world.

History's Most Significant Journeys
Click to enlarge


Scientists Discover When You Die You Know You Are Dead

Scientists discover the mind still works after the body shows no sign of life and reveal people have heard their own death announced by medics

Scientists Discover When You Die You Know You Are Dead

One thing for sure is that we’ll never truly know what happens until we are actually dead. In the meantime enjoy life!

(London Independent) Death just became even more scary: scientists say people are aware they’re dead because their consciousness continues to work after the body has stopped showing signs of life.

That means that, theoretically, someone may even hear their own death being announced by medics.

The claim was made by Dr Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone School of Medicine in New York City.

He and his team are looking at people who suffered cardiac arrest, technically died, but were later revived. It’s the largest study of its type ever carried out.

Some of those studied say they had awareness of full conversations and seeing things that were going on around them, even after they were pronounced dead.

These accounts were then verified by the medical and nursing staff who were present at the time.

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