Random Riddle: A Falling Elevator

Stan was traveling in an elevator, being cool, when he suddenly heard the cord supporting the elevator snap. Being the cool guy that he is, he knew of a myth where if you could jump at the right time, you could possibly be able to survive a plunge in an elevator.

Now, when Stan was a boy, he spent all of his math classes making fun of his female teacher’s mustache. He never paid attention, so he was a tad bit slow in his mathematical calculations. He did, however, have a very bizarre talent, in which he could tell the exact speed he was traveling. That came in pretty lucky today.

Stan knew he was falling at an even rate of 50 miles per hour. When the cord snapped, he was exactly 110 feet above the ground. He knew that he must jump at the right time to have any hopes of surviving.

Now, after doing the math, please tell me when Stan jumped.

Random Riddle: A Falling Elevator



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