If you like your Physics and you like your Chemistry, You will find this puzzle, as easy as can be. Firstly, from a glass of milk, take what is good for bones. Second, take the metal used to glaze pottery with pretty tones. Thirdly, you might eat me to get your innards on a slide. Last I am a diode in a ‘crystal-set’ just look inside. Now put us all together, and thus what can be seen?
A great big head? : A large white moth? : A vegetable that’s green?
Here are the elements with their symbols.
Calcium in milk is good for bones (Ca)
Boron in Borax is used to glaze pottery (B)
A “Barium Meal” is eaten to facilitate an X-Ray of the intestines (Ba)
A diode used in crystal sets was often made from Germanium (Ge)
Ca B Ba Ge
A head of cabbage.
A cabbage moth.
I am a Cabbage!