2 thoughts on “Cartoon Of The Day: ObamaCare Death Panel

  1. Two things… I was more than amused by this because I recently used the word in a Facebook post:

    I’m preaching to the choir here, but there is ONE AND ONLY REASON why the infamous O’Reilly Super Bowl Sunday interview should have never happened: OBAMA CANNOT BE TRUSTED. PERIOD. I doubt the day will ever come when Obama sits down for a REAL interview but if/when he does, there will be a bloodletting, figuratively speaking, on stage. If it happened Super Bowl Sunday night, people would not have been talking about the Seahawks win or Peyton’s bad game — they would’ve been talking about what happened to Obama. He would have been humiliated, publicly, and found to have untenable positions across the board. His only hope of escape would be skulking away. And we’d be in a Constitutional crisis or worse. But that’s what happens when your country is ruled by a petulant feckless narcissist…who lies.

    Also, here’s a Facebook note addressing #Obamanomics titled, ‘What Obama is doing is intentional — his policies ARE working…at destroying America.’
    PS- I’ve posted relevant links/references in the comment section. Any one else is welcome to do the same.

    Thank you, Gags, for a great blog and all that you do :)

  2. Michael Ramirez – Political Cartoonist shared a link:
    [Quoting] The CBO projects that 2.5 million full-time jobs will be lost due to ObamaCare.

    The spinmeisters are in full throttle…

    Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, Jason Furman suggests that too many people have full-time jobs and they’re lucky to lose them, that hard working Americans subsidizing more Americans so they can have more “leisure time” is a good thing. He should be so lucky. The White House Council of Economic Advisers has, after all, navigated us to the worst recovery in U.S. history.

    Nancy Pelosi seems to think that losing a job allows people to “follow their passion…” yeah, all the way to the unemployment line. And they are lucky to be “no longer trapped in jobs,” so they can “reach their aspirations…” to no longer be fully employed?

    Let’s hope Nancy Pelosi can escape her job soon.

    The lapdogs at the New York Times editorial division of the Obama Campaign say the lost of another 2.5 million jobs is good for America. Pathetic. Since when has the New York Times cared for anything that was good for America?

    Already, the labor force participation has sharply decreased. The number of employed Americans has dropped from 62% on average to 58.6% now and only 47% of those employed have full-time jobs. The total number of payroll jobs is 1.3 million below the number when the recession began, four and a half years after it ended. 10 million Americans have left the labor force since Obama was sworn in as President. 91.5 million Americans are not working. What’s another 2.5 million?

    Never mind that the U6 unemployment rate is 13.2% or that ObamaCare gives employers an incentive to limit worker hours to under 28 hours a week. 2.5 million more “lucky” Americans will be able to fulfill their dreams of only being part-time employees, if they find a job at all.

    Never mind that we already have a $17,285,601,454,957.2 trillion national debt which far exceeds our national GDP. We already have $123 trillion in unfunded liabilities. We can afford to subsidize 2.5 million more people “pursuing their leisure time.”

    Never mind that the number of people on food stamps has almost doubled from 2.8 million to 4.7 million since Obama took office and that disability numbers have grown by 2 million.

    The spinmeisters like the redistributive nature of ObamaCare because it serves their idea of social justice, even if it means the loss of 2.5 million more jobs and increasing entitlement spending and our national debt.

    Never mind that the income gap has grown significantly under Obama.

    Their hope has always been to implement single-payer socialized medicine as a step toward full European-style socialism. This just skips one step. The destruction of employer based and private health care is another.

    Remember all those lucky people with plenty of leisure time in the old Soviet Union or in modern day Greece.

    We can only hope these spinmeisters may be so lucky to have more of their own leisure time soon. It’s obvious they deserve it.


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