The Difference Between How The Saudis Greeted Obama vs Trump


The Saudis treated President Trump like royalty, with red carpets, lavish meals and American flags flying everywhere. They repeatedly used the word “Historic” to describe his visit, gave him a medal, projected a multistory image of his face on the side of the palatial Ritz-Carlton hotel where he was staying, and treated him to a colorful dance display in which his staff joined in with scores of white-robed Saudis and even the president swayed back and forth.

The greeting was in stark contrast to Obama. Obama was seen as a Globalist-endorsing effeminate shill of the Muslim-Brotherhood.

Even the DNC propaganda tool, The New York Times, picked up on it.


3 thoughts on “The Difference Between How The Saudis Greeted Obama vs Trump

  1. Amazing! President Trump is being shown more respect by the Saudis than by the people in Washington.

  2. The Saudis knew, going in, that Obama planned to kiss Iranian ass and would, at Iranian-born Jarrett’s insistence, try to prop up Persian Shia.

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