Definition of a Socialist: Someone who wants everything you have.
Except your job.
You can go to the grocery store and buy: A pound of sliced ham in a plastic bag. A gallon of milk in a plastic jug. A pack of napkins in plastic wrap. A store-made salad in a plastic tub. A plastic bottle of mustard and ketchup. But they won’t give you a plastic bag to carry them home in because the bag is bad for the environment?
1960s — “Oil will be gone in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.”
1970s — “There will be an Ice Age in 10 years. We need millions to fix it.”
1980s — “Acid rain will destroy all the crops in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
1990s – “The Ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2000s – “The glaciers will all melt in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2010s – “The coast will be underwater in 10 years. We need billions to fix it.”
2020s – “Climate Change will kill us all in 10 years. We need trillions to fix it.”
Next up: 2030s – “Aliens are here. We need zillions of dollars and a One World Government to protect you.”