8 Surprising Reasons Farting Is Good For You

Farting in public is generally frowned upon, but that doesn’t mean you should be ashamed of a little gas. Farts are a sign we are healthy.

8 Surprising Reasons Farting Is Good For You

Okay, so it’s not the most glamorous health tip, and some people might find it a little embarrassing to talk about… But farting is a normal result of a healthy digestive system and good indicator of our well-being.On average, we fart about 5-10 times a day, according to Medical Daily.

Certain foods make us fart more – especially complex carbohydrates such as beans, sweet potatoes, oats and wheat – and foods that are packed full of nutritional value can often lead to a stronger odor.

Whether you fart five or fifty times a day, here are 8 reasons why you should let it out and pay attention.

1. It reduces bloating.

The most common cause of bloating is a build-up of gas in your gut. That’s right – the full, tight discomfort that makes your pants a little tighter might just be because you need to fart. So don’t hold it in.

2. It’ll help you balance your diet.

Everyone has a unique gut and we all handle foods differently. If you are experimenting with nutrition and diet, farts are a good indicator of balance or imbalance, according to Huffington Post. Too much red meat, for example, usually results in a strong, unpleasant odor, while complex carbohydrates tend to cause larger amounts of gas with a more neutral odor.

3. It can relieve abdominal pain.

It might not be appropriate to fart in every situation, but holding it in – especially if you have a lot of gas in your gut – can cause intestinal distension which hurts, according to Berkeley Wellness.

If you feel that you need to fart but you can’t, try gently massaging your stomach to promote the movement of gas through your system.

4. Holding it in can be bad for your colon.

Withholding gas can exacerbate hemorrhoids, for example, as can trying to manipulate the way gas comes out. The best policy is to let it come out naturally. People whose colons have been compromised by illness are also best not to hold in flatulence.

5. Inhaling farts is good for you.

This sounds silly, but a study from the University of Exeter has found that exposure to small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas (which our guts produce during digestion) may prevent mitochondrial damage to our cells. This could prevent strokes, heart disease, and arthritis, among other things.

6. Farts tell us about our health.

Pay attention to the gas you are passing every day. Is it frequent? Does it have a strong odor? Is there any pain? Fatulence can be an early warning sign for a range of health issues. If you have any pain or pronounced changes in your flatulence that you don’t think are related to diet, it might be worth seeing your doctor.

7. Diagnose food allergies.

Some food allergies cause us to have severe flatulence, and this is certainly the case for lactose intolerance, according to Medical News Today, as with Coeliac Disease. If you have a notable increase in farting after consuming certain foods or food groups, consult your doctor – there are very simple tests which can tell you whether you should be avoiding those foods.

8. It feels good.

We should all admit it – it feels good to let out gas that has been sitting in our abdomens and bothering us. Holding in gas can make us irritable and snappy, and according to Women’s Health Mag the best thing we can do is excuse ourselves to the bathroom and let it out quietly. There’s no relief quite like it.

Still embarrassed? If you think that you pass too much gas and have ruled out any medical issues, then there are small things you can do to reduce the amount of gas you produce, according to Web MD. You can eat more slowly, and avoid carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners. Limit dairy, and get plenty of exercise. If you think your farts are healthy, then embrace it. Passing gas is a great sign that your digestive system is working as it should.


What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health

What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health
People sit a lot. Like … a lot, a lot.

Over the past hundred years, humans have gone from easily walking those 10,000 coveted steps every day to barely hitting 1,000 even with a Fitbit on their wrist.

The tragic realization is that with all this sitting and the lack of walking, we’ve lost one of our prime assets: our bums.

But not every bum is alike, and each comes with its own set of problems and perks.

So read over this article, find out which category you fall into and bring back that booty!

Squared Off

The square or “H”-shaped bum comes from either high hip bones or a bit of extra fat in the love handle region. This can make your derriere look flat rather than giving it the coveted round look. Unfortunately, it could take a lot of squats to get that curve.

What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health - Squared Off


“O” My

The round or “O”-shaped bum means there is more fat storage in the upper parts of your glutes.

Luckily, this gives the bum a perky appearance, so it’s pretty easy to get that curved shape with a few glute-strengthening moves.

What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health- "O" My


Heart-Shaped Bum

Just like the shape, the heart-shaped bum is usually fullest at the bottom and tapers out at the top. This can mean more fat is stored in the upper thighs. While this type of bum is one of the more coveted ones, as women age and lose estrogen, the fat that’s stored around the glutes slowly but surely moves to the mid-section.

What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health - Heart-Shaped Bum


“V” For Very Low Estrogen

This is the bum commonly seen in older women once they’ve started losing estrogen. As with the heart shape, the fat storage that used to be in the bum has moved to the abdomen or mid-section. Without hard work, this bum can be prone to sagging.

What The Shape Of Your Butt Says About Your Health - "V" For Very Low Estrogen


How Do You Get Rid of Acne?

Most of us have dealt with acne during puberty, or maybe even after that. You probably wanted to pop or pick them in order to remove them, but don’t do that! Learn more about acne and learn how to get rid of it more appropriately!


Zits are annoying and they tend to pop up at the absolute worst time. Before you try to pop them, though, check out this video for some better ways to get rid of acne.

This video from SciShow explains how zits are formed when bacteria collect in the pores of your skin and create tiny infections. While popping a zit is an attractive short term solution, this can spread the infection to the surrounding area of your skin. That’s likely to make the overall problem worse.

Instead, the video suggests that acne treatments that prevent bacterial growth and lower inflammation. You can use over the counter topical treatments on your skin to help reduce acne overall. In severe cases of acne, you may want to look into prescription treatments.



The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

All people are either A, B, AB or 0 blood type from birth.

The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

Experts say that every type has its own traits and here is the list:

1. Blood type and offsprings

85% of people are Rh + and if the woman is Rh- and man is Rh+ for conceiving, there is risk of health issues in the child.

2. Blood type and diseases

Depending on the health, every type is more or less prone to issues so check this out.

3. Blood type and diet

Know your type and see which diet suits you best and which has to be avoided. Type A need more veggies, 0 need more fish and meat, AB seafood and lean meat and B need red meat.

4. Blood antigens

These are in the GI tract, blood, nostrils and lungs, but also colon and mouth.

5. Blood type and stress

Those with type 0 need more relaxing than the rest.

6. Blood type and weight

The type also says a lot for the weight. Type 0 can have more belly fat, and type A have almost no issues.

7. Blood type and pregnancy

Women with AB conceive easier than the rest and have less making of follicle-hormones.

8. Blood type and urgencies

If you need blood transfusing, know that 0 type Rh- can be universal donors and AB are universal recipients.



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