America is being destroyed from within, and it is all being done according to plan.
Wayne Allyn Root
Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to break “the Obama code.” I’m about to tell you everything about the way Obama, and the people around him, really think. I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched.
How do I know all this? Because I was Barack Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I was easy to recognize – the lone outspoken conservative in a class of 700 students. I knew I was in trouble when my first political science class at Columbia was “Communism 101″ taught by Professor Trotsky in the Fidel Castro Building, at the corner of Marx Blvd. and Lenin Drive.
I’m only half-kidding. My experiences at Columbia were not far off.
Everyone needs to hear my story because what Obama and I learned at Columbia explains EXACTLY what Obama is doing to America today.
In case you missed it, here is Glenn Beck’s amazing and funny Wizard of OZ monologue. Glenn masterfully uses Wizard of Oz dolls to explain American politics.
In what might just be the most memorable monologue from Glenn Beck this year, Glenn uses the Wizard of Oz to describe today’s problems. Find out why Glenn thinks the politicians in Washington, D.C. are leading America straight to Oz.
Wayne Allyn Root: “The Obama Crime Family has gotten away with the greatest and most daring act of fraud in world history.”
It is increasingly clear that the 2012 elections, both presidential and senate, were stolen by Obama, the Democratic Party, the IRS, and government employee unions. It’s right out of a mob movie like “The Godfather.”
The Obama Crime Family could give the mob lessons. Don Obama plays for keeps. The Don gets what he wants and when he found himself in danger of losing his power and control, Obama went to his enforcers – the IRS.
In a story reminiscent of the mob fixing union elections, the IRS enforcers conspired to destroy Don Obama’s main competition – the Tea Parties and other conservative fundraising groups.
Lois Lerner was only one of many IRS big shots in DC who gave orders to IRS offices across the U.S. to “kill” the Tea Parties and other conservative groups. Their goal – steal the election. As if only days ago, the “fall gal” retired from the IRS. We can only guess what kind of massive payoff she received from Obama’s donors.
The 2010 elections were the biggest embarrassment suffered by a U.S. President in modern history. The power, energy and passion of the Tea Party won the GOP an amazing 63 House seats, six Senate seats, six Governorships, and 680 seats in state legislatures. It was an historic landslide. Obama’s entire agenda was threatened.
Yet, the mainstream media expects us to believe that only two years later (2012) that Tea Party energy and passion was gone…overnight. Or, perhaps they changed back to fans of Obama and the Democratic Party. What a fairytale.
The real story is that the Obama administration ordered the IRS to delay, distract, hound, harass, and intimidate Tea Party groups across the U.S. Without IRS attacks and interference, Tea Parties would have had the same influence and momentum as 2010 – when their raging energy and passion led to a shocking landslide defeat for Obama and his allies.
Instead of massive Tea Party rallies and record-setting fundraising for conservative candidates, Tea Party groups were busy being distracted, hounded, harassed, and intimidated by the IRS. They were busy being asked about the names of their members, names of their speakers, content of their Facebook posts, and even the content of their prayers.
Conservative media personalities (like yours truly) were attacked with IRS audits, as were Pro-Life, Pro-Israel, and Pro-Constitution groups. The tax-deductible status of Tea Party groups was purposely stalled so they could not raise money for the 2012 election.
What the biased liberal mainstream media refuses to do is connect the dots. None have the courage to state that “the fix” was in. That a fraud perpetrated by government employees handed control of the United States of America to Obama, a politician who supports government employees and their unions.
What did the IRS get out of this? The answer is pure bribery. Republicans, and especially Tea Parties, believe in limited government, smaller budgets, fewer government employees, and cutting bloated salaries, obscene pensions, and early retirement for government employees. Another Tea Party landslide would have threatened the power of government employee unions. Many government employees would have been laid off.
Barack Obama was fraudulently re-elected. Our country was hijacked by government employees protecting their cushy lifetime jobs, bloated salaries, obscene pensions, and powerful unions.
Where are they getting the money? Is Obama arranging for big Democratic donors like George Soros, or union political funds, to pay their legal bills? Is Obama scared to death of what these IRS bosses will say under oath? Could their testimony end his Presidency and destroy his legacy?
In the end it’s clear to anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by government schools or bribed by government checks that the 2012 election was fraudulently stolen by Barack Obama.
What did Obama, Democrats, and the IRS gain?
1. The right to continue to loot the treasury with bailouts, stimulus, corporate welfare, and government contracts to his friends, donors, loyal media lackeys, and corrupt union bosses.
2. The right to continue to redistribute income from the business owners (who vote Republican) to Obama’s voters (the poor, unions, and government employees).
3. The ability to save Obamacare and unionize 15 million healthcare workers – thereby raising $15 billion in union dues to elect Democrats. And of course to overwhelm middle class families with $20,000 annual health insurance bills they can’t pay, thereby addicting them to government handouts.
4. The IRS itself gains tremendously. They are now in charge of policing Obamacare – a huge, new bureaucracy. It also adds thousands of new IRS agents, thereby greatly enriching the IRS union.
5. The opportunity to pass immigration amnesty, thereby producing 10 to 20 million new loyal Democratic voters.
6. The opportunity to bankrupt business owners and permanently weaken the private sector, thereby drying up donations for conservative candidates and causes.
7. The opportunity to weaken American influence internationally (see Egypt, Libya, Syria).
Obama’s re-election also means he may serve long enough to appoint one or two more Supreme Court justices, whose radical leftist views will ensure America is permanently transformed to a big government socialist nation.
This wasn’t just any theft, folks. It was a trillion dollar theft. The Obama Crime Family (so far) has gotten away with the greatest and most daring act of fraud in world history. They stole the election.
An Easton, Pa. man, protesting the outrageous amount he is force to pay because of greed, waste and fraud, visited the local tax office and paid his property taxes in one dollar bills.
Most people have the taxes escrowed and do not see how much is stolen from them every year. Land ownership should be a sacred thing. Instead, you simply rent land from the government.
A video uploaded to YouTube ten days ago — which now has over 200k views — purports to show a man paying his $7,143 tax bill in one dollar bills.
The Pennsylvania man, identified by a local newspaper as Robert Fernandes of Forks Township, can be seen in the video carrying a large duffel bag full of bundled cash to his local tax office to pay school property taxes.
The man, whose wife home schools all three of his children, told he was upset he had to pay school taxes for a district his children don’t attend.
“We don’t even use the public system, yet I am being forced to pay all this money into a public school system,” he said. “I don’t think that’s really either fair or just or even ethical.”
“It would be the equivalent if McDonald’s were to force vegetarians to pay for their cheeseburgers,” he added.
Despite taking donuts offered to “anyone who is inconvenienced” by his gimmick, Fernandes did not appear to be warmly greeted by the tax collector.
The unidentified tax collector told the man his outrage would better be directed at the school board, but Fernandes refused to leave without having his money accepted by the agency.
“I’m not doing this to make anybody’s life more difficult,” Fernandes can be seen telling the collector in the video. “Unfortunately, I wish the same could be said, you know, for me and many others whose lives are more difficult for having to pay property taxes.”
The collector, who did not want to endure the daunting task of counting each dollar bill, ultimately asked Fernandes if he would be willing to accompany her to the bank so a teller can verify the amount of cash is correct.
Fernandes obliged her request, but noted the irony that the tax collecting agency had trouble collecting his money.
“It’s so much money they can’t count it by hand,” he said. “They are unable to count this large amount of money here.”
After exiting the bank, Fernandes said he was surprised by the way the whole ordeal was handled.
“I”m surprised that they can’t count money,” he said. “I thought that being, you know, that’s what they do — they take people’s money — that they would at least be at least somewhat efficient at counting money. But even the state isn’t efficient at counting money.”