A Tale Of Two Photo Ops

On the Left, Joe Biden, a corrupt career politician, who has been in government since 1971. Over 49 years… nearly half a century. He hasn’t done anything other than make himself, his family and other corrupt politicians very rich. He is shown kneeling in a church, with a mask on, doing what a corrupt politician does… pander for votes. Not one person in the Media accused him using this moment as a photo op.

A Tale Of Two Photo Ops

On the Right, Donald Trump, a successful Patriotic American businessman, who donates his Presidential salary to just causes. He has done more for America in 3 years than all of his predecessors combined. He has been condemned by the Media and Democrats for showing everyday Americans strength by posing for a picture holding a bible in front of a historic church that was burned by radical anarchists.

Trump and Nehemiah: History Repeats Itself

Donald Trump may be a modern-day Nehemiah

Trump and Nehemiah: History Repeats Itself

‘God is not against building walls!’ The sermon Trump heard from Robert Jeffress before his inauguration.

Donald Trump heard a sermon Friday morning from a Southern Baptist pastor who has history of inflammatory remarks about Muslims, Mormons, Catholics and gays.

The sermon was delivered by Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church, who compared Trump to the story of the biblical leader Nehemiah who helped rebuild the city of Jerusalem and its walls after the people of Judah had been exiled from the land of Israel.

Israel had been in bondage for decades, Jeffress explained, and the infrastructure of the country was in shambles, and God did not choose a politician or a priest but chose a builder instead. The first step of rebuilding the nation, Jeffress said, was the building of a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack.

“You see, God is not against building walls,” Jeffress said in his sermon at St. John’s Episcopal Church in D.C.

Nehemiah, according to the biblical account, completed the project in 52 days. Why was Nehemiah so successful in building the wall and rebuilding the nation? Jeffress said that Nehemiah refused to allow his critics to distract him, noting how some people still don’t believe Trump will succeed in his agenda.

Nehemiah, Jeffress said, had two antagonists named Sanballat and Tobiah. “They were the mainstream media of their day,” he said. “They continued to hound and heckle Nehemiah and spread false rumors while he and the Israelites were building the wall.”

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