How To Of The Day: Treat A Bee Sting


Were it not for their stings, bees would likely be viewed with the same playful fascination we give to butterflies and worms. But the reality is that housed in their little yellow-and-black bodies is a powerful stinger attached to a nasty little sac of venom just waiting to let you know you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

To be fair to bees, most stings are carried out by vespids, a classification of insects that includes things like wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. While they look like bees, vespids are far more aggressive and don’t have the common decency to produce something delicious, like honey, as a means of making up for their brutish behavior.

Even though bees and vespids are thought of as summertime nuisances, the likelihood of stings actually goes up in early fall. At this time of year, populations of yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets are at their highest, and in preparation for winter, their diets have shifted to focus on more sugary foods, like our sodas, candies, and ice creams. The result is a greater chance of an encounter with a pest that’s more keen than usual on getting what you have. If you find yourself at the business end of an angry stinger, follow these steps to neutralize the pain and prevent excessive swelling.

Illustration by Ted Slampyak



How To Of The Day: How To Survive Inside A Plummeting Elevator


Falling to your death in a steel box seems like the sort of risk you would want to avoid, especially when the alternative is merely the inconvenience of walking up a few flights of stairs. Luckily, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission report that elevator accidents are exceedingly rare, and more likely to happen to elevator repair professionals than people merely cruising between floors. Still, the notion of an elevator cable snapping and sending you on a deranged amusement ride, no matter how improbable, is scary enough to warrant memorizing a few survival tips.

Illustration by Ted Slampyak



How To Of The Day: How To Paint A Room

How to Paint a Room
Illustrated by Ted Slampyak

Painting can be one of the hardest and dullest of all household projects, which is why many people put it off. When done wrong, painting is time-consuming, frustrating, back-straining, messy work. When done right, it’s still all of those things, but to a lesser degree. As with any chore or project, careful preparation and patient execution are your friends. Take the time to do it right and you’ll avoid ending up with a splotchy mess of a room.



How To Of The Day: How To Remove Bumper Stickers

For all Prius owners… How to remove bumper stickers and car decals.

How to Remove Bumper Stickers

Unlike your average sticker, bumper stickers and car decals are made to last. They stand up to high winds, rain, snow, road chemicals, sun damage, and other harsh conditions to stay stuck to your favorite ride. Whether you have unwanted dealership advertising decals or the leftover political stickers of a previous owner, you can remove them from your car using a few simple household items and a little bit of patience.



How To Of The Day: How To Give A Manly Handshake

This instructional video teaches men how to properly shake hands.


Whether you’re first meeting someone or greeting them for the hundredth time, a good handshake is important. A strong shake conveys confidence, strength, warmth, honesty, and a host of other good character traits. The fact that well-executed handshakes create a positive first impression isn’t just anecdotally true, either, but has even been born out by several research studies.

So if you want to learn how to impress compadres and strangers alike, we offer this complete multi-media guide to giving a great handshake.

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