Obama Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After The Election

The FBI was Wiretapping Manaford between 2014 and 2016… but dropped the investigation because they found nothing. Then they reopened it again a few months later, when he joined the Trump Campaign.

Obama Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After The Election

Even CNN is reporting this. They only report the truth when they have to cover up a bigger lie. Wonder what that bigger lie is?

From CNN:

US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.

The government snooping continued into early this year, including a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.

Some of the intelligence collected includes communications that sparked concerns among investigators that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign, according to three sources familiar with the investigation. Two of these sources, however, cautioned that the evidence is not conclusive.

Remember: James Clapper explicitly said there was no tap on Trump’s campaign. James Clapper out-and-out LIED. Make sure as many people as possible see this!

Obama Wiretapped Paul Manafort Before And After The Election

This is evil. They are that confident their crimes will go unpunished.

He lied to Congress and the entire country about the NSA Metadata. This is literally the Deep State personified and he needs to be in prison.



Is Google A Creation Of The United States Intelligence Community?

Does Google exist purely to filter and control information that the general public can access – filtering out the truth by labeling it ‘Fake News’?

Is Google A Creation Of United States Intelligence Community?

The United States intelligence community may have funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Google could be the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘Information Superiority’.

From New Eastern Outlook:

If you need proof beyond the obvious, Google’s 160-page handbook tells us all exactly how they plan to spoon feed us only “their” news. The lengthy handbook is a heavy read for the average person, but the book does lay out an Orwellian machination unlike anything seen since the Nazi propaganda machine of Hitler. Pay close attention to the “instructional” on page 108 where Google dictates who does and does not meet rating criteria. The section under Fails to Meet (FailsM) is a steamrolling of the free press, and suggested hiding certain kinds of sites:

“Pages that directly contradict well established historical facts (e.g., unsubstantiated conspiracy theories), unless the query clearly indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.”

Google FailsM

As per usual, Google has obscured its real intentions with the idea some super smart algorithm is “filtering” or “learning” results to help your life be better. Once again Google supposes to do “what is good for us” by destroying some sources and propping up others. Using terms like “search quality rating guidelines” and “page quality rating guidelines” the little Machiavellis at Google provide justification for controlling what you see and read on the web. Censorship and monopolization of internet information and business – this is the case against the Mountain View boys this time.

Then there’s the section concerning how Google will rank the best of the best news sites entitled “A High Level of Expertise/Authoritativeness/Trustworthiness (EAT)”. The acronym should clue you that Google search users are about to be fed some bullshit truth. “High Quality Pages” for the Google oligarchs means that either the page owner pays Google through the mouth, or that the site in question serves Google’s masters well – period. At the top of this matrix of sources are newspapers (High News 1) like The Washington Post and New York Times, followed by the articles within those pages (High News 2). On down the list of authority pages are government sites like the US State Department and White House, and then pages categorized (believe it or not) “High Humor”. So, Google has factored out the importance of truth or even the importance of the news story itself, in favor of “who” wrote the story and the “reality” Google wants you to accept – Big Brother’s network – end of story.

Melissa Dykes of Truth Stream Media made a video about the new Big Brother effort, and Government Slaves did their take as well. And the latter even suggests alternatives to using Google Search for those who refusing the totalitarian tendencies we see headed our way these days. For people who had rather boycott the imminent evil such as Yandex, and DuckDuckGo. Government Slaves also lists 400 sites for independent news outside Google’s MATIX. My advice for everyone is to start making the transition away from Google and Facebook now. My own vast experience in dealing with these tech people has revealed people with no morals whatsoever, people willing to do anything necessary to perpetuate their dominance in digital. Google has destroyed millions of people’s livelihoods, broken its own code, lawyers itself around anti-trust and fair practice rules, avoided taxes, and colluded against the people of the United States with the intelligence agencies. All these assertions are not just this writer’s ramblings. Back in 2014 John W. Whitehead wrote about the NSA and Google for the Huffington Post:

“Just look around you. It’s happened already. Thanks to an insidious partnership between Google and the National Security Agency (NSA) that grows more invasive and more subtle with every passing day, “we the people” have become little more than data consumer commodities to be bought, sold and paid for over and over again.”

August 29th the notorious Zero Hedge creator, Tyler Durden wrote a piece entitled “Why Google Made The NSA”, which revealed a project called INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a crowd-funded investigative journalism project that had released a story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. You read that correctly. My past assertions that Sergey Brin and Larry Page were “lifted up” by unseen money were probably correct. While I presumed George Soros or Rockefeller being behind, it’s conceivable Uncle Sam was the spook in the woodpile. The Zero hedge story delves deep into a “deep state” we never imagined in our worst nightmares. The report unveils how Pentagon Highlands Forum’s more or less taking over tech giants like Google to pursue mass surveillance. Furthermore, the report shows how the intelligence community has played a key role in secret efforts to manipulate the media and the public. The endless crisis and war we find ourselves in, is in large part because of the efforts of Google and the other technocratic institutions. In on section the author frames how the Obama administration really consolidated this “Big Brother” control:

“Under Obama, the nexus of corporate, industry, and financial power represented by the interests that participate in the Pentagon Highlands Forum has consolidated itself to an unprecedented degree.”

These people refer to themselves as “the gatekeepers”. Their arrogance is only exceeded by their amoral agnosticism. The successes of the information age, Silicon Valley’s dubious venture capital bonanzas, the mysterious ways in which fairly ordinary innovators were propelling into the limelight warns us to the underlying swamp Donald Trump described. But it is the immensity of the network that should clue us. Imagine a new president taking office and fending off attacks as best he could, only to discover that the whole machine of the US government being under such a controlling influence.


Obamaphone Program Is Rife With Corruption

Surprise! The “Obamaphone” Program That Gives Phones To Poor People Is Rife With Corruption

Obamaphone Program Is Rife With Corruption

An audit of the government’s Obamaphone program, which gives cell phones to poor people, that was requested by Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri has turned up over $9 billion stashed in private bank accounts as well as over a third of enrollees who should not have qualified for the program.

Known officially as the Lifeline Program, the phone giveaway was a symbol of government waste in the Obama years, but a new report from the Government Accountability Office confirms those fears.

A complete lack of oversight is causing this program to fail the American taxpayer everything that could go wrong is going wrong, McCaskill said. Were currently letting phone companies cash a government check every month with little more than the honor system to hold them accountable, and that simply cant continue.”

McCaskill is on the Senates chief oversight committee and a former state auditor.

More on the audit’s findings from Fox News:

The GAO report found that about 10.6 million people have an Obamaphone, but 36 percent of them may not qualify, according to the Washington Times. The audit also concluded that more than 5,500 people were found to be enrolled for two phones, while the program was paying for about 6,400 phones for persons the government has listed as dead, the paper reported.

We remember a day at the Brooklyn Public Library when we watched a guy sitting on his laptop and checking one of his two smartphones identify the other smartphone to his friend as his “Obamaphone,” telling the second guy he has to make calls from it now and then to confirm he’s using it.

So…yeah, thanks, Obama!

Obamaphone Program Is Rife With Corruption


The CIA Implanted Microphones Into The Skin Of CATS

The CIA tried to turn a CAT into a cyborg spy by implanting it with a microphone and antenna

The CIA Implanted Microphones Into The Skin Of CATS

The CIA once implanted microphones into a cat in a bizarre attempt to spy on Soviet Russia.

The cat had a microphone, antenna and battery pack surgically embedded into its skin so the feline could act as a covert recording device.

Recently declassified documents show how the scientists responsible for the cruel research were praised by spy chiefs for their ‘pioneering’ work.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://commonsenseevaluation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Acoustic-Kitty.pdf” title=”Acoustic Kitty”]
The CIA once implanted microphones into a cat in a bizarre attempt to spy on Soviet Russia. Declassified documents reveal that the work was praised by CIA chiefs as a ‘remarkable scientific achievement’

The strange eavesdropping technique, though never used in the field, resurfaced this week when WikiLeaks tweeted a link to declassified CIA memos, first released in 2001.

The research was dubbed ‘Project Acoustic Kitty’ and cost $13 million (£10 million) over its five-year development in the 1960s.

The cat’s tail was used as an antenna with a wire travelling all the way up its spine to a microphone in the animal’s ear.

The equipment’s battery pack was sewn into the cat’s chest.

Victor Marchetti, a former CIA officer, told The Telegraph that year of the gruesome creation.

He said: ‘They slit the cat open, put batteries in him, wired him up’.

‘They made a monstrosity. They tested him and tested him.

‘They found he would walk off the job when he got hungry, so they put another wire in to override that,’ he added.

The final 1967 report on the project concluded it was non-practical, signalling the end of the research.

But the memo hailed the ‘remarkable scientific achievement’ reached by the American spy agency.

‘The work done on this problem over the years reflects great credit on the personnel who guided it,’ the document concluded.

The cats had microphones, antennae and battery packs surgically embedded into their skin so the felines could act as covert recording devices.


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