Just when we want Congress to make sweeping cuts we now find out about $105 billion in pre-approved spending hidden in Obamacare. Watch the latest release from Rightchange.com and be sure to contact your congressman.
Go to: www.obamasacommie.com to purchase an MP3 download of “Mommy, Mommy Obama’s a Commie!” or the entire CD album, “Is It Too Late?”
This song took a year to write. It had been going through my mind long before I finally wrote it down. As a writer there are some things you just can’t shake. You might try to ignore it but it keeps coming back and you just know it’s meant to be recorded and shared.
The screams of those on the left over the meaning of “Commie”, “Socialist”, or “Marxist” can be so aggravating. Being born in 1947 and growing up in a time when we were still having drills in elementary school where the air raid sirens would go off and we’d all get down on our hands and knees under our desks and cover our heads to protect us from a Russian nuclear attack. In those days anyone who talked about the “redistribution of wealth” was either in Russia or in jail and all were “Commies!” That is the way America was back then. Most folks went to church. Most moms stayed home and took care of the kids and kept the home first burning. In spite of the nuclear threat It was a wonderful time to be a child and a much nicer world than it is today.
From 1992-1996 I lived in Russia as a Christian missionary. For 70 years the government of the Soviet Union had banned God and the Bible from public life. Do you really want to live in a socialist country? We stood in long lines for food as did everyone else. There was no customer service. Those that ran the stores were there doing you a favor and any complaints and you might find yourself doing without. Do you really want to live like that.
Here is something to consider for you smart ass Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Commies, whatever you want to call yourselves. If you grew up here in America and have never lived under the type of government you propose that we all adopt, then you owe it to yourself to go and live in Russia for a while. Don’t just sit back and imagine how glorious it would be to live in a socialist utopia, go and experience it first hand and I think you’ll come back with a completely different outlook. The fact is, it’s never worked before. Why do you it would work here?
Barack Obama is as close as we’ve come to socialism. We’ve got a president now that has been steeping in Marxist juices for his entire life. He can chuckle and laugh all he wants after making his joke about being accused of being a “secret communist” for “sharing his peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the second grade” but the truth is, “IT’S NO SECRET!”
He told us that he was going to “fundamentally change the United States” and he’s really done his best. His first two years he’s pretty much run rough shod over the American people with his cocky and proud attitude of “Sit down and shut up because I know better than you!” His arrogant tone is so offensive but does he see it? He hasn’t been willing to listen to the people and I think he’s found that the American people are not going to put up with that crap. If anyone was single-handedly responsible for the creation of the Tea Party it was Barak Obama himself.
To all of you out there who did wake up, Tea Party folks and others who care about our country, we had better continue to wake everyone else that we can. We need to wake them to the point that on election day they have one thing on you’re their mind, getting down to the polls and voting for those of like mind. We can take the country in the right direction but it’s going to cost us something to do so. We can turn things around and get rid of this leftist big government commie plague. God Help Us!
Michele Bachmann told members of the House of Representatives that, “Obamacare is the crown jewel of socialism… We won’t stop until we repeal this president.”
“Obamacare as we know is the crown jewel of socialism. It is socialized medicine. The American people spoke soundly and clearly at the ballot box in November. And, they said to us Mr. Speaker that in no uncertain terms, “Repeal this bill!” So today this body will cast a vote to repeal Obamacare. And, to those across the United States who think this may be a symbolic act, we have a message for them. This is not symbolic. This is why we were sent here and we will not stop until we repeal a president and put a president in the position of the White House who will repeal this bill. Until we repeal the current senate. Put in a senate who will listen to the American people and repeal this bill. Because what has been the result Mr. Speaker? It’s been this. It’s been job loss. It’s been increases on costs to the American people… This will break the bank and we won’t let that happen to our country. So make no mistake Mr. Speaker. We are here to stay and our resolve is firm. We will continue this fight until Obamacare is no longer the law of the land and until we can pass a bill that will actually cut the cost of health care.”