
When did freeloaders become more important than taxpayers?

When did freeloaders become more important than taxpayers?

Low Testosterone Men

Low Testosterone men are easy to rule. In fact, they usually demand it. High Testosterone men don't want to be ruled. They are the driving force behind revolutions. Thus, they are the number one threat to tyrannical regimes. Once you understand that, the War on Masculinity makes a lot of sense.

Low Testosterone men are easy to rule. In fact, they usually demand it.

High Testosterone men don’t want to be ruled. They are the driving force behind revolutions. Thus, they are the number one threat to tyrannical regimes.

Once you understand that, the War on Masculinity makes a lot of sense.

What Kind Of Government?

What kind of government tells farmers NOT to farm? Who tells Cops NOT to arrest criminals, and District Attorneys NOT to prosecute them? We have a Border, but we're NOT allowed to protect it. We have 535 members of Congress, but most of them are NOT Patriotic. We even have a President who was NOT elected. The saddest part? We have citizens who are NOT interested in doing anything about it.

What kind of government tells farmers NOT to farm? Who tells Cops NOT to arrest criminals, and District Attorneys NOT to prosecute them? We have a Border, but we’re NOT allowed to protect it. We have 535 members of Congress, but most of them are NOT Patriotic. We even have a President who was NOT elected. The saddest part? We have citizens who are NOT interested in doing anything about it.

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