Obama Birth Certificate Was Faked In Adobe Illustrator (PROOF)

Obama Birth Certificate was Faked In Adobe Illustrator (PROOF)

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is right. Obama’s birth certificate has been “Fake News” all along.

The fake certificate was created in Adobe Illustrator by someone who forgot to flatten the document.

Check out this video:


Here is the original the press release: President Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate

Download the official birth certificate PDF here.

Open the document in Adobe Illustrator.

In Adobe Illustrator, make sure in “Window” the “Layers” box is checked.

In the “Layers” box (bottom right by default) you can go through the countless separate layer pieces one by one. (You can do this because the document was created using Adobe Illustrator, and the person who created the final PDF left the Adobe Illustrator Layers and Editing capabilities box checked).

Un-check the eyeball on the left of each layer to hide individual pieces.

Zoom in and see how digital pieces were added on top of it with no anti-aliasing (that would have somewhat covered the trickery. It would have smoothed the edges out).

Notice that some pieces are scans of a real document. Others were added via a digital source. Either way, both are added to the document after scanning.

Scanned documents cannot have multiple layers. They are flat 1 layer documents.

There are programs that can vectorize text etc, but they do not create that many different layers, nor do they overlay pieces all over each other of different opacity and anti-aliasing attributes. Even if that was the case, they White House claims it was a “scanned” document and not edited.

This document is heavily edited, that is unquestionable. However one can only wonder why it was edited in such a poor and traceable manner. Was this task given to the most unskilled graphic designer on Obama’s payroll, or was this done with the intent of destroying Obama’s credibility?

Please pass this on, especially if you know a graphic designer. If they don’t believe you, tell them to examine it for themselves. Then watch their mouth drop!

More evidence:

When the PDF file given from WhiteHouse.gov is opened in Adobe Illustrator it shows up in different layers.


Something to ponder!


Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Inmates Who Defaced American Flag Get Only Bread And Water

Sheriff Joe Arpaio american flag

Sheriff Joe Arpaio put inmates on a diet of bread and water for seven days as the punishment for defacing American flags placed in their jail cells. Only Liberals will have a problem with this.

There is no doubt that the patriotic duo of Obama and Holder will launch a federal investigation into this outrageous violation of these poor prisoners’ civil rights.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County said inmates who defaced American flags in their cells will be fed only bread and water for a week.

The flags were placed in cells in November in a patriotism campaign by the sheriff, who accused some inmates of “tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel. It’s a disgrace,” CNN reported.

In addition to the display of flags, the “Star Spangled Banner” is played over the jail intercom each morning and every evening inmates hear “God Bless America,” the report said.

The flags were put in cells after Arpaio announced he would hire more veterans.

He says more than 600 male and female veterans work for the sheriff’s department, which manages 8,000 inmates.


Who Is Barack Hussein Obama, Or Is It Barry Soetoro?


What a shame that it takes the Canada Free Press to post this. Where is our press?

Is the name “Barack Hussein” Obama’s Jihadi pseudonym?

With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the United States is a “captured operation,” and has been taken over from within. At the epicenter of the tyrannical takeover is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, a man also known as Barry Soetoro.

The terrifying yet largely unreported fact is that after two elections and nearly five years, we still do not know with certainty the legal name, true legal identity or status of the man holding the highest office in America.

This issue was again brought to the forefront last month when Mike Zullo, lead investigator for the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse tasked with looking into the Obama eligibility matter, held a public update regarding the status of their investigation. Mr. Zullo publicly confirmed the facts contained in an exclusive report published on August 4, 2009, by me and Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod, when we jointly disclosed that a national talk showhost stated that he was threatened with his career, “or worse,” should he talk about the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth records to a national audience.

Equally disturbing, and something that should concern everyone, is that anyone who continues to raise questions about Obama’s eligibility status or the authenticity of his long form birth certificate is either subjected to public ridicule or worse, threats to their safety.

About three minutes into his public investigative update, Mr. Zullo stated:

“I have been in contact with prominent media people, I cannot and will not disclose their identities that was the commitment I made. They fear for their jobs and some fear for their safety. There were threats made. There were people threatened with their occupations, losing their occupation if they continue this.”

According to Mr. Zullo, the corporate media is intentionally refusing to address this matter, which also includes the issue of a demonstrably fraudulent federal document, Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate, being published on the official White House website. Mr. Zullo stated that his interim report of investigation is currently about 325 pages long with another 80 pages to be added shortly. He expects the final investigative report to be somewhere about 700-800 pages long, and will also include matters pertaining to Obama’s selective service registration and social securitynumber controversies.

Regarding the authenticity of the long form birth certificate posted on the White Housewebsite, detective Zullo described the document as “fatally flawed” and not a valid document at all. He stated that the identifying document purported by the White House to be a true copy of the original long form birth certificate is a manual creation by someone with planning and intent and contains proof of “human manipulation.” He also stated that the document “could not survive judicial scrutiny on any level,” adding that the creation or manipulation of a legal document is a felony.

The image posted on the White House website of Obama’s purported long form birthcertificate was also examined by Reed Hayes, a highly credentialed certified document examiner. Mr. Hayes concluded: “In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated.”

Threats and intimidation continue

It’s been nearly four years since we were the first to report that high profile media personalities were threatened with their careers as well as their “safety” should they persist in talking about the legal identity and eligibility of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama. We provided the documentation to Detective Zullo and the Cold Case Posse immediately upon its formation. We are aware that the threats continue even today to those in positions to expose the greatest hoax and gravest threat ever perpetrated on America.

Who is it that holds the most powerful position in America? What is the true, legal identity of the man who has “fundamentally changed” this country so much in such a short period of time, and is capable of changing it even more? Who is behind the face of power, and just who is setting the course of our country? These questions have yet to be satisfactorily answered. Soon, merely asking them will be made into a criminalact as our freedoms are continually eroded by a man whose identity remains in question.

As the silence and the media blackout of this matter continues, all three branches of our government appear to have been captured by an enemy from within. The corporate media is complicit in keeping the American public in the dark about the truth behind the identity of the most powerful man in the world.

It is clear that our elected officials have been compromised into silence, as well as our judiciary. We, however, will not be silenced, for it is the fate of our nation that is at stake. We must stand behind the investigative efforts of the Cold Case Posse, and continue to push for answers to the most troubling questions that have ever faced a nation.

We have never been, nor will we now be intimidated into silence.



Told you!

Investigators for an Arizona sheriff’s volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.

Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama’s long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.

Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it’s fraudulent.

Read more…

Evaluation: Obama Birth Certificate was Faked In Adobe Illustrator (PROOF)
Evaluation: Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama’s Birth Certificate Is a Forgery
Evaluation: President Obama’s Birth Certificate PDF has “Layers”

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