Someone asked me to explain the difference between a Republican and a Democrat so here goes.
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.
The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican’s pocket and gave the homeless person fifty dollars.
Now you understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats
If you are wondering why the price of food is going up, here is your answer. Using corn for fuel has to be one of the stupidest ideas ever conceived. This great country of ours has an abundant supply of oil that if tapped into would lower the cost of everything and boost our economy to levels never imagined.
These corrupt politicians have to go. They don’t care what happens to our country or its people. Their only concern is lining their pockets with special interest money.
Corn prices jumped to a record $6 a bushel Thursday, driven up by an expected supply shortfall that will only add to Americans’ growing grocery bill and further squeeze struggling ethanol producers.
Corn prices have shot up nearly 30 percent this year amid dwindling stockpiles and surging demand for the grain used to feed livestock and make alternative fuels including ethanol. Prices are poised to go even higher after the U.S. government this week predicted that American farmers — the world’s biggest corn producers — will plant sharply less of the crop in 2008 compared to last year.
“It’s a demand-driven market and we may not be planting enough acres to supply demand, so that adds to the bullishness of corn,” said Elaine Kub, a grains analyst with DTN in Omaha, Neb.
Corn for the most actively traded May contract rose 4.25 cents to settle at $6 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade, after earlier rising to $6.025 a bushel — a new all-time high.
Worldwide demand for corn to feed livestock and to make biofuel is putting enormous pressure on global supply. And with the U.S. expected to plant less corn, the supply shortage will only worsen. The U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that farmers will plant 86 million acres of corn in 2008, an 8 percent drop from last year.
In case you haven’t heard by now, Rush Limbaugh has launched a Para-military style public campaign in an effort to affect the outcome of the Democratic Party primary.
Rush has urged his listeners to legally switch party affiliations to participate in “Operation Chaos”, designed to get his listeners to vote for Hillary Clinton which serves two purposes. First, it keeps Hillary Clinton in the race or winning in future primaries and second keeps the Democratic Party involved in what can only be described as political chaos.
Well Bruce Walker has raised an interesting question in his latest article that, if it ever happened, would cause total chaos and possibly destroy the party whose symbol is a Jackass.
Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” raises an interesting question. The Left has occupied the Democrat Party, which has purchased the souls of large groups of Americans – blacks, Hispanics, feminists – and yet the word “liberal” is passionately rejected by all Democrats. The political parties have been democratized completely: no one can keep anyone from participating completely in the Republican or Democrat parties.
This raises an interesting theoretical question: Why don’t we all simply become Democrats? The Left has smeared the Republican Party with racism so much that any Republican candidate automatically starts with ten percent of the popular vote against him. Add to the black vote a significant share of the Hispanic and Asian vote, which also has been indoctrinated into believing that Republicans are evil, and the natural electoral advantage of just have “Democrat” in front of your name is worth anywhere from fifteen percent to twenty percent of the national vote. It is amazing that Republicans ever win.
If all Republicans became Democrats, then the stigma of being a “Republican” would go away. That would mean that the electoral battles would become primary battles – and not just in the presidential race. Senators, governors, congressmen and state legislators are chosen by primaries. If the whole American electorate were within a single political party, then primaries would be extremely competitive.
The problem for current Democrats in this situation is that Americans overwhelmingly consider themselves to be conservatives, not liberals. This is why no Democrat, even Obama, calls himself a “liberal.” That would mean that conservatives, as Democrats, could advocate conservative policies without fear. No Democrat is going to say “I am a liberal Democrat and my primary opponent is a conservative Democrat” – at least not in the vast majority of the states.
Conservative Democrats who were also religious could have an enormous edge in winning the black and Hispanic vote in Democrat primaries as well. So, two constituencies which have traditionally been alienated from Republicans and conservatives could find common cause with both if the Republicans became, magically, Democrats and if the social conservative principles of these two strongly religious minorities were joined with the conservative “Democrat” candidate.
Moreover, there conservative “Democrats” could run well against snooty white elites like Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy and Dean, who have nothing in common with ordinary Americans except the fact that they are Democrats, and so are presumed to be the friend of the working man or woman. Imagine, for example, how a charismatic conservative like Michael Steele or J.C. Watts could do if running as Democrats against elitist Leftists like Clinton or Kerry.
These sorts of Democrats have proven enormously popular. Zell Miller, for example, is probably the most popular politician in Georgia. Joe Lieberman, although not exactly a conservative, was nevertheless able to win re-election as an “independent Democrat” even after he lost the Democrat primary.
The whole nature of Congress would change as well. If the Democrat caucuses had conservative majorities, then all the leadership positions would be held by conservatives as well. The committee chairmen, the Speakership and all the other coveted positions would be held by conservatives, albeit Democrats. The same would be true for the national party organization. The DNC would start espousing conservative principles. The battles over ideology and policies would all be fought within the Democrat Party and there would be no “Republicans” to blame at all in those battles. What would Leftists do? How could they fight a real battle on policies, when so few people agree with their policies?
Another consequence would be that the rump Republican Party would survive, and that anytime the Left took over the Democrat Party for one election cycle, the Republican Party could have a miraculous rebirth and all the conservative Democrats could switch and vote Republican.
Republicans are a scapegoat for the failures of Democrat policies; they have been for many decades. Perhaps the best way to defang this toxin in politics is for the good guys to take over the Democrat Party and leave the Democrats with the Green Party or the Liberal Party or the Communist Party as their vehicle for political expression. As Operation Chaos succeeds, it is something worth thinking about.