How Falcons Catch Their Prey

How Falcons Catch Their Prey

Scientist Suzanne Amador Kane has discovered that falcons keep their prey locked in the same place on their retinas by attaching cameras onto hunting falcons. The original research was published in The Journal of Experimental Biology.

Amazing footage of falcons hunting crows.

Suzanne Amador Kane, working with falconers across the globe, has discovered that falcons pursue prey by keeping the image of the prey in the same place on their retina during the pursuit as they close in.

This movie shows ground breaking footage capture by movie cameras mounted on hunting falcons filmed by Eddy De Mol and his colleagues Valerie Collet and Francois Lorrain.



SHAKE [Dogs Shaking in Slow Motion]

Carli Davidson Pet Photography

Every dog lover will fall head over heels for this unique video of dogs shaking in slow motion.


Shake off all the worries on your mind and smile! The dogs featured in SHAKE are simply here to offer you a couple minutes of wonder and laughter. :)

SHAKE is based on a photography series of the same name by co-director Carli Davidson. The work was inspired by her own dog Norbert, whose drool she regularly cleans off walls due to his own frequent shaking.

In 2012 the Variable team stumbled upon Carli Davidson’s photo-series-gone-viral, “SHAKE”, and immediately fell in love with the images of dogs that she was able to capture. The combination of innocence and ridiculousness had us all hysterically laughing, and of course thinking; “We NEED to meet this Carli and bring her images to life!” Fortunately for us, Carli responded to our enthusiastic e-mail with an even more enthusiastic e-mail stating that she was totally down to collaborate and had a very similar vision! After months and many meetings of trying to figure out how we could even afford to make this film, we all just decided to empty our pockets, pull some serious strings, and make the video purely for the fun of it.




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