Trumbo – First Blood

Donald Trump is Rambo. A former reality TV star must use all of the guerrilla tactics he learned in Vietnam to save normies and his country from social justice warrior scum.



300: Making America Great Again

Donald Trump leads a Spartan Army in this excellent 300 parody, “Making America Great Again”.


The elite hate him because he’s going to open all those closets where they hide their deep dark dirty secrets. Lord, protect this man!

Donald Trump continues his victorious path through the US presidential election 2016. After forcefully succeeding president Obama he faces the globalists and their puppets. But with only 300 Spartan warriors, can he beat George Soros himself? Will he Make America Great Again?

In response to some helpful commentators I decided to re-upload this video in order to replace a scene with a bare-breasted Hillary, due to Youtube’s rather strict policy on nudity. Now it is even more disgusting. ;) In addition, it should be in 720p now!

Just to clarify some things, the three members of the establishment coming to meet Trump in the beginning are, from left to right: Sumner Redstone, owner of MTV, Viacom, Paramount pictures and various other media channels Ben Shapiro, conservative columnist whom I’ll admit has written and produced some good material, but I believe he’s shown his true colors as controlled opposition in regards to Trump Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney company, which also is one of the major owners of the US mass media

This is a parody of the movie 300, starring Donald Trump as the Spartan king Leonidas. It is also a stand-alone sequel to our previous video, The Trumpinator.



Muslim Of The Year

Muslim Of The Year

And the winner is…

Muslim of the Year

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the greatness of His and the Father’s universe, we turn to the New Year. A traditional ritual is reflecting on the past year, and as Time Magazine does, anointing the most prominent person of 2015. Indeed, 2015 has been for all practical purposes the “Year of the Muslim.” So I will satirically recognize the most influential “Muslim of the Year,” someone who has cleverly through various means, radically changed the world order and most furthered the Islamic caliphate based on the death of all infidels to Allah.

The contestants were Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS (Islamic State); Bashar al-Assad, the dictator president of Syria; Mullah Akhtar Mansour and Akhund, co-leaders of the Taliban; Sayed Hassan-Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah; Khaled Mashai, leader of Hamas; Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council for American Islamic Relations; and none other than our fraudulently twice-elected president, Barack Hussein Obama.

It was a close contest. Initially, as in the Miss Universe pageant, the prize inadvertently was announced to have gone to two co-contestants: Ayatollah Ali Khomenei, supreme leader of Iran, and Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS – one a Shiite and the other a Sunni Muslim, but both evil Islamic terrorists heading up major nations and terrorist groups who have wreaked deadly bloodthirsty havoc on Christians, Jews and other “non-believers.” Need we say more about Iran, which carries out, supports and finances Islamic terrorism worldwide and now is on the verge of assembling atomic bombs with the delivery system to reach U.S. shores? ISIS speaks for itself, a brutal and well-financed terrorist organization that has captured huge swaths of the Middle East and is beheading Christians and Jews right and left, thus attempting to destroy our Judeo-Christian way of life and our infrastructure and defenses. And, it has Israel, the United States and Western Europe firmly in its sights. The Paris and San Bernardino bombings and shootings are just a warm-up act for these vicious Muslim fanatics.

But when the card at the award ceremony for “Muslim of the Year” announcing their victory was double checked and inspected by independent experts on terrorism, it was revealed that the prize was, in reality, meant for our own supreme leader, Barack Hussein Obama.

No other Muslim has done as much, particularly given his power as president of the United States, to further Allah’s goal of a Christian and Jew-free world. The Holy Quran, as Obama likes to call it, teaches that this false god’s will must be obeyed and that all infidels must perish from the earth. As the inscription reads on a ring the “Muslim of the Year” has worn since college, “There is no god but Allah,” his actions and non-actions have paid homage to his real and only “deity.” Indeed, Obama can issue all the Christmas messages he falsely utters to the American people and the world – pretending to be a Christian for political expediency, subterfuge and dastardly cover – but after seven years of his presidency, “We the People” are no longer fooled. You do not have to be Donald Trump to see reality at this point. And here is the concrete proof.

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