Antifa, is now labeled as “Anarchist Extremists” and have been listed among “Domestic Terrorism” groups by New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security.Following the election of Donald Trump, the far-Left, George Soros funded, group Antifa rose to suppress the American people’s right of free speech. They have inflicted violence, destroyed property, and tried to silence anyone who disagrees with their Alt-Left views across the country. They harm, stalk, and harass individuals of differing opinions on a day-to-day basis. They are a threat to our First Amendment rights. Thugs like these have had 8 years of protection under the Obama Justice Department. That ends now! From The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness:Anarchist Extremists: AntifaJune 12, 2017 Counterterrorism, Domestic
ANTIFA: INCITING VIOLENCE TOWARD FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTSViolent confrontations between Antifa members and white supremacists—as well as militia groups—will likely continue because of ideological differences and Antifa’s ability to organize on social media. In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations.
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Tag: Paid Protesters
Patriot Of The Day: Red Pill, Black Girl
This Woman Completely And Utterly Annihilates The Leftist Charlottesville Narrative!This is what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted: a FEARLESS American to be able to express her opinion openly without reservation. A PROUD and PATRIOTIC American to stand on the principals for which our forefathers guaranteed. He wanted RESPECT and to live in PEACE and HARMONY with one another. Dr. King would be horrified at the extent Democrats still have mind control over the black population. They are being used, pushed down into further poverty and the repeated black moral outrage is causing regular Americans who checked racism at the door 1 – 2 generations ago to loathe and despise everything they stand for now. Seriously well argued.
Black people have scarier things on the horizon than the almost endangered species of white supremacy. |
Antifa Flag Comes Directly From The German Communist Party In 1932
On the Left, the 1932 flag of the paramilitary wing of the Communist Party of Germany. On the Right, the present day flag of the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party of America.Everything theses Alt-Left thugs use today is exactly the same as back then. Their logo, weaponized words, double standards and lack of logic. It’s all from Germany 85 years ago. They call everyone Nazis because that is who their opposition in Germany was. Antifa prefaced The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and empowered them. Without Antifa’s violence the Nazi party would have never won anything. Antifaschistische AktionThe first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic. During the early 1930s amidst rising tensions between Nazis and the communists, Berlin in particular has been the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. In May 1932, the communist paramilitary organisation Rotfrontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and communist members in the parliament, the Antifaschistische Aktion was founded to ensure that the communists had still a militant wing to rival the paramilitary organisations of the Nazis. After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung in 1933, the movement was revived during the 1980s. One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into “Europe’s biggest gathering of Nazis”. In October 2016, the Antifa in Dresden campaigned on the occasion of the anniversary of the reunification of Germany on 3 October for “turning Unity celebrations into a disaster” (“Einheitsfeierlichkeiten zum Desaster machen”), to protest this display of new German nationalism, whilst explicitly not ruling out the use of violence.
The picture below is from the leftist run Wikipedia. This is the description under the picture on Wikipedia:
Former Clinton Employee Says Charlottesville Planned By The DNC And More Coming
From Z3news:Larry Nichols was hired by Bill Clinton in 1988, while Clinton was still Governor of Arkansas. Clinton later fired Nichols, and Nichols has devoted himself to exposing Clinton’s many scandals ever since. (Source: Wikipedia) With the help of the mainstream news media, Clinton and his deep state cronies have retaliated by attacking Nichols, branding him as a nutty conspiracy theorist. Nichols explains the reason why the Democrats are targeting the next six months is to allow the firestorm to blow over and settle down prior to the 2018 elections. He also revealed their plans to take their OFA town hall tactics to the next level. We have already seen examples of how they have sent their trained operatives into town hall meetings throughout the nation, causing disruptions and chaos, but Nichols claims their next move is to cause riots while posing as conservatives. Their hope is by causing enough trouble they can trigger a Constitutional crisis while blaming it all on the conservatives. Nichols claims a statute exists by which a FEMA provisional government can step in and take over our government under certain extreme conditions, including an invasion by a foreign military or simultaneous riots in five or more cities. In that event, Nichols claims a temporary FEMA government would replace our Constitutional republic, which would allow the new “leader” to function as a dictator, making decisions without Congressional approval. If such a statute exists, it would be unconstitutional and should be discarded because our Constitution includes specific requirements for approving any amendments. A Constitutional Convention must be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the states. Then those amendments must be approved by three-fourths of the states. No proposal like that has ever even been presented in any Constitutional Convention, so anyone claiming a FEMA government has the right to replace our Constitutional republic is either confused or lying or both. Congress does not have the authority to change the Constitution to enact a new FEMA government under any circumstances. Any attempts to replace our republic with a FEMA government should therefore be resisted be every American citizen. However, such lawlessness should not surprise anyone because it has been rampant in Washington DC in recent years, especially since Obama took office in January 2009, openly choosing not to enforce laws he did not like. Nichols claims the new FEMA government will be presented to the American people as a temporary solution, but that will be a lie. Once it is enacted, their plan is to make it a permanent replacement of our Constitutional government. He claims that Vice-President Mike Pence would not become President after Trump is impeached because that process only applied under our Constitutional government. Under the new FEMA government, they would be able to put into office whomever they choose, and they have already chosen President Obama. Previously: |
Was “Unite The Right” A Staged Media Event?
Was “Unite the Right” a Soros-funded Psychological Operation? Was the goal to employ the “Pied Piper” strategy to damage the Republican brand by insinuating that Antifa goons disguised as Nazis represent the views of the entire Right Wing in America? (Is this what Creamer and Democracy Partners have been up to lately?)This whole event feels staged. Lets look at a few things:
Just seems to fake and fits the media narrative far to well. The media and the left are continually losing all the time at everything, then all of the sudden everything fits their narrative one day. They have so much to report on now. How convenient. This smells of Soros, Hillary and Obama! This rally was allegedly held over in large part to a removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in town. So why are people with Nazi swastika flags even in attendance? Unless you know, the flags have that “fresh out of the package just unfolded” look to them that were handed out to the paid protesters.
Confederate, Nazi flags, White Hoods. Heil Hitler salutes by men dressed basically the same. What did you not see? American flags. Have you ever seen a Trump rally without an American flag?Let’s trace this event back to its origins. Start with the Wikipedia page: It cites this article about expectations for the rally on 2017-07-21: That article has a “related article link” back to 2017-06-05: Read those articles, and you can see the origins. The original application was submitted by Jason Kessler, on behalf of “Unity and Security for America”. The event was subsequently announced on Facebook by the “Traditionalist Workers Party”. Hopefully, that’s enough breadcrumbs to get people started on finding the true origins of this “Unite the Right” rally. |